Andrew Hillier's Homepage

Welcome to my homepage.

About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University. I have been working as a PD in Kyoto since October 2011.

My current research interests relate to Solar prominences, especially in the comparison between my simulations of MHD instabilities in prominences and the dynamics of observed prominences. I am also intrested in the dynamics of partially ionised plasma (of which prominences are a fine example) and I am working on a the development of a two-fluid code to study these dynamics with the other members of the MHD group at Kwasan observatory.

Click here to see a list of my publications.

My PhD thesis can be downloaded from here, a recent paper, presented at the Japanese Society of Fluid Mechanics annual meeting 2013, on the first results from our coding project for partially ionised plasma can be downloaded from here and a recent paper, presented by Shinsuke Takasao at the Japanese Society of Fluid Mechanics annual meeting 2013, which investigates shocks in a partially ionsed stellar atmosphere. This can be downloaded here.

I am from England and studied Maths (MMath) at Leeds University (performing my final year project on the hydrodynamic stability of the Solar tachocline under Prof. S. Tobias) before I came to Japan. I then spent two years teaching English at Naruo High School in Nishinomiya before I entered Kyoto University as a PhD student. I really enjoyed teaching and I miss being able to talk to the students everyday. I then entered Kyoto University as a PhD student in October 2008, before graduating 3 years later.

My Lecture Courses

If you are interested in finding out more on the lectures I teach, you will find the links below.

Click here for the 'Introduction to English for scientific communication' lecture information.

My Research

I have uploaded a few movies, both observations and simulations, that are connected with my research. Please take a look.


Click here for XRT movie
Click here for EIT movie
Click here for EIS movie


(sorry that the labelling is so unclear)
Click here for a reconnection movie
Click here for another reconnection movie
Click here for a movie of the linear growth of the tearing instability
Click here for file 1
Click here for file 2
Click here for file 3
Click here for file 4
Click here for a movie of a bubble rising into a solar prominence that is perturbed to undergo the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
Click here for random pert 1
Click here for random pert 2
Click here for random pert 3
Click here for random pert 4
Click here for random pert 5
Click here for random pert 6
Click here for random pert 6 still
Click here for random pert 6
Click here for a movie of the tearing instability in a prominence (simulation)