Advancement in our understanding of the space environment is in great demand now as the dynamic activities of the Sun, solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere can influence modern technology systems and endanger human life and health. The numerical simulation and modeling driven by integrated observations are powerful methods for understanding the complex Sun-Earth system, and they are an important means for predicting space weather. To address this issue, a workshop on "CAWSES International Workshop on Space Weather Modeling (CSWM)" will be held at the Earth Simulator Center in Yokohama, Japan. This workshop will provide a forum for review of the recent progress and the scientific challenges in space weather modeling research.

CAWSES International Workshop on Space Weather Modeling
November 14 to 17, 2006
The Earth Simulator Center, Yokohama, Japan
Scientific Organizing Committee
K. Shibata (Co-chair, Kyoto University, Japan)
K. Kusano (Co-chair, The Earth Simulator Center, Japan)
J. Buechner (Max-Planck.Institut fuer Sonnensystemforschung, Germany)
T. I. Gombosi (The University of Michigan, USA)
N. Gopalswamy (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA)
M. Hesse (NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA)
J.U. Kozyra (The University of Michigan, USA)
J. Lin (Yunnan Astronomical Observatory, China; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA)
T. Ogino (Nagoya University, Japan)
B. Sanahuja (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
S. T. Wu (University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA)
Grant-in-Aid of the MEXT of Japan for Creative Scientific Research "The Basic Study of Space Weather Prediction"
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University
For Information Contact:
Kanya Kusano,
The Earth Simulator Center,
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