Atmospheric Seismology: Observed co-temporal oscillations by CDS and TRACE and the implicatons for Solar-B instrumentation

R. W. Walsh and M. Marsh

This paper focuses upon a sunspot active region that was imaged with the CDS wide slit (with high time resolution in He I , O V, Mg IX) and also co-temporally in TRACE 171. 3-min oscillations were observed above the sunspot umbra in He I and O V.These oscillations are then observed to propagate along the active region loops observed in TRACE with both displaying resonance-like multiple frequencies. It appears clear that these propagations are the same wave phenomena travelling through the chromosphere and transition region before dissipating in the corona. As a consequence of this work, the characteristics of these propagations will be much better defined when observed with the instrumentation onboard Solar-B. For example, observations using the EIS slots in different temperature lines coupled with high time resolution XRT images will provide the ideal data set to build upon these CDS/TRACE observations. Simultaneously, direction observations of the source of these waves will be undertaken using SOT. Typical exposure times and line lists for EIS oscillation studies will be outlined as well as a brief discussion on the extent to which Solar-B will further develp our of understanding of solar atmospheric seismology.


Robert Walsh (, University of Central Lancashire

