Three Dimensional Motion of Plasmas Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections Observed with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)

Suzuki, I.(1,2), Sakurai, T.(1,2), and Ichimoto, K.(2)

(1) Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
(2) National Astronomical Observatory
In order to investigate the structure and the driving mechanism of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), it is important to examine in detail the magnetic field structure in the low corona. NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS), with its unique capability of Doppler imaging, was used to study CMEs and its source regions observed on 1999 May 7 and 2005 July 28. In 1999 May 7 event, the source region consisted of two loop systems, a small loop system and a neighboring larger loop system. The small loop moved toward the large loop and destabilized it, resulting in the CME with a red shift. In 2005 July 28 event, ejection of a small loop system with a red shift started from among neighboring larger loop systems. We suggest that the direction of mass ejection depends on the configuration of magnetic fields around the source region and the location of the initial energy release in the magnetic field configuration.


Isao Suzuki (, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies/National Astronomical Observatory

