Change in Sunspot Proper Motion and Its Relation to Flare Onset

Y. Suematsu (NAOJ) and C.Y. Yatini (LAPAN)

From the detailed measurements of motion of sunspots in six active regions, we found that some spots, which are located on flaring area, underwent a particular motion when compared with other spots in the same active region. These spots showed a 'turn' in their moving direction before flare started. The change in motion started in 0.5 to 2.5 hours before flare onset. We found the relation that if the spot shows a 'particular'motion, a flare occurs on this particular spot region. On the other hand, any sunspots in non-flaring active region do not show peculiar motion. In some cases, the particular spots also show the motion consistent with a rising emerging flux tube in which pair of spots move away from each other. It is likely that the peculiar motion of spots implies the rising motion of flux tube perturbed by unknown reason. From this study, we expect that SOLAR-B/SOT will be able to reveal the detailed relation between the sunspot motion, related magnetic activity and flare onset, making a short term prediction of flare occurrence possible.


Y. Suematsu (, NAOJ

