XRT and EIS Observations of Reconnection Associated Phenomena
D. Shiota, H. Isobe, D.H. Brooks, P.F. Chen, and K. Shibata
Magnetic reconnection is widely believed to play an important role
in various solar activities such as solar flares, because Yohkoh has
observed many peices of evidence for reconnection. However, most of
that evidence is indirect and the theory of magnetic reconnection has
not been established. Hence our understanding of reconnection is
incomplete. Imaging and spectroscopic observations with the EUV Imaging
Spectrometer (EIS) and X-ray Telescope (XRT), the new instruments aboard
Solar-B, will obtain physical quantities and the spatial structure of
the different temperature solar plasmas. This will improve our understanding
of the basic processes of magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere.
In this paper, we present predicted EIS and XRT observations, which
are synthesized from the results of 2.5-D magnetohydrodynamic simulations
of a coronal mass ejection and a cusp-shaped arcade, and examine how
the reconnection associated phenomena can be observed.
Daiko Shiota (shiota@kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp),
Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University