MHD simulation of emerging magnetic flux by CIP-MOCCT method

M.Shimizu, K.Uehara, T.Miyagoshi, D.Shiota, K.Nishida, K.Shibata

Many kinds of solar activities are caused by the release of magnetic energy, which is supplied from the solar interior as the magnetic flux injection which is observed as "emerging flux". On the other hand, observations show that various kinds of solar activities such as jets, flares and filament eruptions often occur in emerging flux regions. This suggests that emerging flux is not only significant for magnetic energy injection, but also significant for triggering other solar activities by the interaction with the ambient coronal magnetic field. In this study, we simulate solar emerging magnetic flux by CIP-MOCCT method. By using this method we can do MHD simulation at higher resolution than previous simulation methods; this method has big advantage to save machine power. The porpose of using CIP-MOCCT method is to simulate whole active reigion and interaction between ambient magnetic field and emerging magnetic flux. Though we are still in an experimental stage, we report our current results. For example we reproduce results of Yokoyama and Shibata (Nature, 1995). Though we simulate their model with smaller number of grid points, our results are even better than theirs, showing sharper dicontinuities. When magnetic reconnection occurs between emerging flux and coronal field, some plasmoids are created and ejected from the reconection region. Then the plasma confined in the plasmoids is released and surge like structures are created as many as the plasmoids.


M. Shimizu (, Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University

