The X-Ray Telescope aboard Solar-B: An Overview
Taro Sakao (ISAS/JAXA) and the XRT Team
The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) aboard the Solar-B satellite is a joint
US-Japan project which aims to observe the solar corona in X-rays
with high angular resolution (1 arcsec) and with wide temperature
coverage (ranging from <1 MK up to >20 MK) ever achieved as
a grazing-incidence imager for the Sun, thus plays a key role in
accomplishing the science objective of Solar-B.
The XRT will observe wide variety of coronal activities with such
advanced capabilities and is expected to reveal, in an unprecedented
detail, transport, storage, and dissipation processes of magnetic energies
originating from the photosphere.
We present brief description on the instrumentation followed by
an overview on science with the XRT.
Taro Sakao (, ISAS/JAXA