Solar B as a tool for coronal wave studies
V.M. Nakariakov
Direct observational evidence of the wave and oscillatory activity of the =
solar corona is abundant in all observational bands and includes recent =
discoveries of propagating compressible waves in polar plumes and near =
loop footpoints, flare-generated transverse oscillations of loops, and =
longitudinal and sausage standing oscillations within loops. These =
phenomena are confidently interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic =
(MHD) waves. This observational breakthrough gave rise to the rapid =
development of a new method for the remote diagnostics of the coronal =
plasma, MHD coronal seismology, allowing for estimation of the absolute =
value of the magnetic field in coronal loops, Alfv\'en speeds, transport =
coefficients, fine structuring, heating function and other important =
coronal parameters. EIS and XRT instruments provide us with an excellent =
tool for the further development of coronal wave studies and especially =
flare generated oscillations and waves.
We present the recent findings, theoretical estimations of the observabilit=
y of different MHD modes with Solar B instruments, theory-based observation=
al and data analysis strategies and some ideas about the utilisation of =
the results for coronal seismology. The expected results are of particular =
interest for the revealing of coronal heating mechanisms.
Valery Nakariakov, University of Warwick