The spatial distribution of hot and cool coronal loops and asymmetiric Stokes profiles

Shin'ichi NAGATA

Asymmetric Stokes V profiles emerge from the dynamical interaction between flux tubes and surrounding medium at the photosphere. Such interaction can excite Alfven waves or can form current sheets in the flux tubes; these are considered to be promising mechanisms for coronal heating. In this study, we investigate the spatial distribution of the Stokes V asymmetries and the coronal temperature with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter(ASP) and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). We find that the larger asymmetries and zero crossing velocity occur at the footpoints of hot loops (T>2NK) as compared with those of cool loop footpoints (T=1~2MK). We discuss the coronal heating model based on the relation between the observed asymmetries and the coronal temperature distribution.


Shin'ichi NAGATA (, Hida Observatory, Kyoto Univeristy

