Origin of the Sheared Magnetic Fields that Erupt in Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections

Ron Moore and Alphonse Sterling

From a search of the Yohkoh/SXT whole-Sun movie in the years 2000 and 2001, we found 37 flare-arcade events for which there were full-disk magnetograms from SOHO/MDI, coronagraph movies from SOHO/LASCO, and full-disk chromospheric images from SOHO/EIT and/or from ground-based observatories. Each of these events was apparently produced by the ejective eruption of sheared core magnetic field (as a flux rope) from along the neutral line inside a mature bipolar magnetic arcade. Two thirds (25) of these bipoles had the normal leading-trailing magnetic polarity arrangement of active regions in the hemisphere of the bipole, but the other third (12) had reversed polarity, their leading flux being the trailing-polarity remnant of one or more old active regions and their trailing flux being the leading-polarity remnant of one or more other old active regions. From these observations, we conclude: (1) The sheared core field in a reversed-polarity bipole must be formed by processes in and above the photosphere, not by the emergence of a flux rope bodily from below the photosphere. (2) The sheared core fields in the normal-polarity bipoles were essentially the same as those in the reversed-polarity bipoles. (3) Hence, the sheared core fields in normal-polarity mature bipoles are likely formed mainly by the same processes as in reversed-polarity bipoles. (4) A prime objective of Solar-B should be to discover and elucidate these processes.


Ron Moore (ron.moore@nasa.gov), NASA/MSFC/NSSTC

