Magnetic Twist of EUV Coronal Loops Observed by TRACE

RyunYoung Kwon, Jongchul Chae

EUV images taken by TRACE clearly display a number of thin coronal loops that represent one million degree plasma tracing magnetic field line in the corona. We estimate the magnetic twist of coronal loops that can explain the constriction of plasma into a loop without dispersion. We assume that the segment of a coronal loop taken by TRACE 171 image is a part of a straight, non-force-free twisted flux tube and that the variation of the axial field strength along the tube is determined by the large scale three- dimensional configuration of the coronal magnetic field calculated by linear force-free extrapolation of photospheric magnetic field observed by SOHO/MDI. We selected a number of conspicuous loops which are bright enough and well separated from other adjacent loops on TRACE EUV images so that we can fit a magnetic field line to each loop from one footpoint to the other footpoint. We have applied our method to several coronal loops and found that these loops have twist values from 1.5 to 2.5, which suggest that the winding number of EUV coronal loop may be around one.


Ryun-Young Kwon (, Astronomy Program, School of Earth and Environmental

