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(16) 花山リコネクション研究会
`` Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory
研究会タイトル: Informal Workshop on Reconnection 日時: 1999, Nov. 6 (Sat) am 10:00 - pm 6:00 場所: 京大花山天文台新館ゼミ室 出席者: M. Scholer (Max-Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik) G. Vekstein (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) 寺沢敏夫(東大理地球惑星) 星野真弘(東大理地球惑星) 町田忍(京大理地球惑星) 鵜飼正行(愛媛大工情報) 松元亮治(千葉大理物理) 横山央明(国立天文台野辺山) 田沼俊一(東大理天文) P. F. Chen (京大理花山天文台) 柴田一成(京大理花山天文台) プログラム:
Scholer, M.: Ion kinetics during magnetotail reconnection
Machida, S.: Variations of the Near and Mid-distant Magnetotail During Substorms
Ugai, M.: Spontaneous fast reconnection in symmetric and asymmetric situatios
Hoshino, M.: Electron Heating in Reconnection
Vekstein, G.: Plasma heating and particle acceleration in magnetic reconnection
Yokoyama, T.: Clear Evidence of Reconnection Inflow of a Flare
Chen, P. F. (comment): Unified Model of Flares
Shibata, K.: Simple Analytical Model of Plasmoid-Induced Reconnection (and Origin of Universal Correlation between the Flare Temperature and the Emission Measure for Solar and Stellar Flares)
Tanuma, S. (comment): Magnetic Reconnection in Interstellar Medium
Matsumoto, R.: Three-Dimensional Global MHD Simulations of Accretion Disks: Turbulence, Dynamos and Flares
Terasawa, T.: Effect of Coriolis Force on Magnetic Reconnection
(柴田 一成 記)
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