[Recent Studies on Data Obtained at Hida Observatory]
- Preliminary Study of The Evolution of Solar Magnetic Structures and Photospheric Horizontal Velocity Fields (in Advances in Space Research, v.26, p.1793-1796, 2000 [Abstract])
- Soft X-ray flares and magnetic configuration in a solar active region in February 1992 (in Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.357, p.725-734, 2000 [Abstract])
- Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares I. Low Magnetic Shear and Flux Emergence (in PASJ 2000, 52, 465; [Abstract])
- Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares II. High Magnetic Shear and Flare-Related Shear Change (in PASJ 2000, 52, 483; [Abstract])
- Emergence of Twisted Magnetic-Flux Bundles and Flare Activity (in PASJ 2000, 52, 337; [Abstract])
- Characteristics of Flare-productive Sunspot Groups (in IAU-JD 2000, 7E, 19; [Abstract])
- Active Region Evolutions and Flare Activities : From the Photosphere to the Corona (in Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 203. Manchester, England, August 2000, [Abstract])
- H-alpha;. Surges in Emerging Flux Regions as an Evidence of Magnetic Field Reconnection (in Advances in Space Research, Volume 26, Issue 3, p. 441-444,2000 [Abstract])
- Relationship Between Hα AFS Loops and Soft X-Ray Brightening Loops in Emerging Flux Regions (in Advances in Space Research, Volume 25, Issue 9, p. 1825-1828, 2000 [Abstract])
- The Blue Clearing at Syrtis Major and Its Relation to Equatorial Clouds: 1997 and 1999 Observations (in The Fifth International Conference on Mars, July 19-24, 1999 [Full Paper in PDF])
- Multi-Wavelength Observations of a Large-Scale Jet and an Eruptive- Prominence on 28 August 1992 (in Proceedings of the Nobeyama Symposium, held in Kiyosato, Japan, Oct. 27-30, 1998, Eds.: T. S. Bastian, N. Gopalswamy and K. Shibasaki, NRO Report No. 479., p.171-174, publised in 1999 [Abstract])
- Photospheric and Chromospheric Gas Motions around a Dark Filament (in ApJ 1999, 524, 469; [Abstract]
- Causal Relations between Halpha Loop Emergences and Soft X-Ray Brightenings (in ApJ 1999, 517, 964; [Abstract])
- Characteristics of Mesogranulation (in PASJ 1998, 50, 125; [Abstract Text, HTML])
- 3D Velocity Field Observation of Solar Photosphere (HTML-style)
- Emergence of a Twisted Magnetic Flux Bundle as a Source of Strong Flare Activity (ApJ Preprint; Abstract)
- Real Time Frame Selector and its Application (PASJ 1997, 49, 513; [Abstract TEXT, GIF])
- Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes Inferred from Sunspot Proper Motions (IAU-JD 1997, 19E, 25; [Abstract]
- Casual Relation Between Emerging H alpha AFS Loops and Soft X-ray Transient Brightenings (in IAU-JD 1997, 19E; [Abstract1, Abstract2]
- Evolutional Characteristics of Multiple Spectral Lines during the Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares(PASJ 1995,47,239; [Abstract], [Full text])
- Other Studies List 2001
- Other Studies List 2000
- Other Studies List 1999
- Other Studies List 1995