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Hida Observatory,
School of Science, Kyoto University
This page has been opened
Since 1996.05.01

In 1929, the astronomers in faculty of science of Kyoto University built
the first astronomical observatory at the summit of Mt.Kwasan, Kyoto-city.
Kyoto city was, however, rapidly developed soon after, and the enviroment
of the sky grew even worse because of light pollution.
So, the plan of the new observatory was started from 1961 to seek the good
place for the observation.
Finally, in 1968, this observatory was built at Kamitakara-village, Gihu-pref.
with gathering instruments
which had been used at Kwasan Observatory and Mt.Ikoma Solar Observatory.
In 1972, the 65 cm refractor telescope (the largest refractor in the Asia)
was also established.
Moreover, in 1979, the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) was completed, which
is the multiple solar telescope with the highest ability in Japan.
Objects of this observatory are mainly the Sun, planets, and minor planets in
the solar system.
The photograph (above) shows the whole view of Hida Observatory.
The tower on this side is
the 60cm Domeless Solar Telescope.
This telescope is used for quite fine observations of the solar atmosphere
with imaging and spectroscopy.
During two domes,
the dome of this side includes
the 65cm refractor telescope,
and the another is
instituted the 60cm reflector telescope.
We mainly observe planets, such as the Mars etc.
with this refractor.
Moreover, in 1991, newly
the sextuple solar Flare Monitor Telescope (FMT)
was established and we monitor the whole of the solar surface and prominence
everyday, except for rainy day.
Hida observatory is 1275 m above the sea, the total area is 182519 square meters.
[Observation Report]
[Recent Studies on Data Obtained at Hida Observatory]
- Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares I. Low Magnetic Shear and Flux Emergence (in PASJ 2000, 52, 465; [Abstract])
- Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares II. High Magnetic Shear and Flare-Related Shear Change (in PASJ 2000, 52, 483; [Abstract])
- Emergence of Twisted Magnetic-Flux Bundles and Flare Activity (in PASJ 2000, 52, 337; [Abstract])
- Characteristics of Flare-productive Sunspot Groups (in IAU-JD 2000, 7E, 19; [Abstract]
- Photospheric and Chromospheric Gas Motions around a Dark Filament (in ApJ 1999, 524, 469; [Abstract]
- Causal Relations between Halpha Loop Emergences and Soft X-Ray Brightenings (in ApJ 1999, 517, 964; [Abstract])
- Characteristics of Mesogranulation (in PASJ 1998, Vol.50, No.1 [Abstract Text, HTML])
- 3D Velocity Field Observation of Solar Photosphere (HTML-style)
- Real Time Frame Selector and its Application (PASJ 1997, 49, 513; [AbstractTEXT,GIF])
- Emergence of a Twisted Magnetic Flux Bundle as a Source of Strong Flare Activity (ApJ Preprint; Abstract)
- Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes Inferred from Sunspot Proper Motions (IAU-JD 1997, 19E, 25; [Abstract]
- Casual Relation Between Emerging H alpha AFS Loops and Soft X-ray Transient Brightenings (in IAU-JD 1997, 19E; [Abstract1, Abstract2]
- Evolutional Characteristics of Multiple Spectral Lines during the Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares(PASJ 1995,47,239; [Abstract], [Full text])
- Studies List 1999
- Studies List 1995
Members of Our Observatories
Trafic Information between Kyoto and Hida
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