The credibility of CME–Filament disappearance association.
3 > 2 > 1.
The events with a credibility of 1 might be controversial.
For credibility NaN, the analysis has not yet been conducted, or there is no SOHO/LASCO C23 data.
Note that its definition in ver201016 is different from the others.
FD_start_time, FD_end_time
When a filament disappearance started and ended.
x, y
The position of the center of a filament in arcsec.
longitude, latitude
The position of a filament center in the Heliographic coordinates. Unit is degree.
Vx, Vy, Vz
x-positive is to the solar west, y-positive is to the solar north, and z-positive is to the line-of-sight direction. Unit is km/s.
Vr_max, Vr_fin
The maximum and final radial velocities of the observed filament disappearance. "-" denotes that it was impossible to measure the velocity mostly due to the terrestrial cloud (see note). Unit is km/s.
See Figure A below. Unit is degree.
See Figure A below. Unit is degree.
See Figure B below. Unit is degree.
The length of a filament. Unit is Mm.
Type of a filament or prominence. AF is an active region filament, IF is intermediate filament and QF is a quiescent filament.
The peak time value and time of Dst over the following 7 days after the end time of a filament eruption.
These values are not necessarily associated with the filament disappearance. Users should be careful in considering the reasons for geomagnetic disturbance.
Units are nT and UT, respectively.