FMT Event List (For limb events)

[Classification of Active Prominence]

A. surge type; jet-like ejection (Most of the ejected plasma returns back to the solar surface along a magnetic line of force.)

A1: flow back along the ejection pass
A2: flow down to the other foot point over the apex of a loop
B. eruptive prominence type; high-speed eruption of a pre-existing prominence

B1: gradually accelerated to the escaping velocity
B2: explosively accelerated to the escaping velocity (spray type)
C. disruptive prominence; disintegration of a pre-existing prominence

C1: break and slip down after slow rise
C2: fade out or fall down with no rising motion
D. partially-activated prominence; partially brightening, or breaking down of a pre-existing prominence
E. loop prominence

E1: a loop top brightening followed by a single loop formation
E2: post-flare loops (growing multiple loop system)
E3: a growing bright mound or compact loop cluster
F. others

F1: stable but exceptionally large prominence or in extraordinary shape
F2: unclassifiable prominence with large motion

[Height & Length]

Height: maximum height measured from the solar limb in Mm

Length: maximum length along the solar limb in Mm


*: Start-time is not clear, or the event already started before the start-time of the observation.

#: End-time is not clear, or the event continued when the observation was stopped.

/ and ,; Separation symbols between classes.
[IB,IC] : The event has both type of characteristics.
[IB/IC] : It is not possible to clearly determine the class.