Hida/DST, Norikura & SoHO CDS, EIT, MDI coordinated observation 2005 October 17-21th
Abstract TITLE: JOP 179 - ENERGY PROPAGATION IN XBPs PARTICIPATING INSTRUMENTS: SoHO CDS EIT (MDI), DST (Hida Observatory, Kyoto U.) & Norikura (NAOJ) DATES: October 17 - 21, 2005 (21:00 - 06:00 UT) WHO: Tetsuya Watanabe, Kuniko Hori, Satoru UeNo ACTIVITY: . Simultaneous spectroscopic observations of chromospheric, transition-region, and low T coronal lines of XBPs, one of the simplest magnetic elements apprearing on the solar disk will be conducted to understand the energy propagation in an XBP from upper photosphere to corona. Reasonbly high enough cadence should be taken so that both internsity and line-of-sight velocity changes could be measured along with time. TARGET: XBPs appearing on the solar disk during the period. The target will be selected by CDS, with pointing sent to Goddard and Japan by 16:00 UT at the latest. The target line of the DST/vertical spectorometer is the CaII K absorption line. STUDIES TO RUN: (TBC) XBP_TW1/v4 (duration 10min); XBP_TW2/v13 (duration 4min) SEQUENCE(CDS): A different study should be run depending on the size of the bright point. XBP_TW1 covers an area of 40x120 arcsec^2 and XBP_TW2 covers an area of 20x100 arcsec^2. The bright point should fit entirely within the raster field-of-view. SEQUENCE(DST): DST covers areas of 40x128 arcsec^2 or 60x128 arcsec^2 whose centers correspond to the center of the CDS raster FOV. The scan step is 2 arcsec. The slit width corresponds to 1.28 arcsec. The required time for one raster-scan is 100 sec (40x128arcsec^2) or 150 sec (60x128arcsec^2). NOTES FOR PLANNER: each raster should be corrected for solar rotation. The planner needs to request that the operator run the study with the MIRROR option in CPT. DURATION: several hours
Link (1) The CDS Atlas for October 2005 (2) CDS Catalog *2005.10.18-19 *2005.10.19-20 *2005.10.20-21 (3) Hida/DST H-alpha Monitor Images