著者 書名 出版年 請求番号 所蔵場所
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Chigaku 地学教育講座 地形と土壌           2
Chigaku 地学教育講座 地質構造とその調査、日本列島のおいたち           2
Chigaku 地学教育講座 地震と火山           2
Chigaku 地学教育講座 天気予報           2
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  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1903     1903     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1905     1905     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1906     1906     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1907     1907     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1908     1908     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1909     1909     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1928     1928     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1929     1929     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1929     1929     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1928     1928     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1930     1930     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1930     1930     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1930     1930     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1930     1930     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1949     1949     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1959     1959     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1958     1958     4
  Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the Year 1950     1950     4
  Numed Lunar Formations           3
  Popular Astronomy           7
  Preussische Akad. d. Wiss. Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels abt.1 Bd.4.           5
  Preussische Akad. d. Wiss. Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels abt.1 Bd.6.           1
  Preussische Akad. d. Wiss. Geschichte des Fixsternhimmels abt.1 Bd.7.           5
  Problems of Stellar Convection           1
  Robert Ainsworth's Dictionary, English and Latin           1
  Robert's Atlas of 52 Regions           3
  Royal Astronomical Society Franklinadams Chart 1-206           3
  Royal Astronomical Society Franklinadams Chart 1-206           3
  Royal Astronomical Society Franklinadams Chart 1-206           3
  Science and Technology Series Vol.14           1
  Science in Antarctica I 1961         1
  Science in Antarctica II 1961         1
  Sea, on the Temperature Secular Cooling and Contraction of the Earth           7
  Second Workshop on ESO's Very Large Telescope 1986           5
  Solar Spectrum from λ 7498 to λ 12016           3
  Space Research III           1
  Splendors of the Sky           1
  Tables des Quantites Besseliennes 1906         1
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1929     1929     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1930     1930     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1930     1930     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1930     1930     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1930     1930     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1952     1952     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1953     1953     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1954     1954     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1955 1955   1955     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1956     1956     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1957     1957     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1957     1957     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1959     1959     4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1969 1967   1969     4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1985 1984   1985     4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1966     1966     4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1967     1967     4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1968     1968     4
  The Motion and the Distribution of the Stars 1926         1
  The Observer's Handbook 1921           7
  The Timer, Survey Atlas of the World           3
  Атлдс 3в3пното н ьд             3
  これが宇宙だ           2
  コンサイス英和辞典           1
  ロシア語月面図           3
  宇宙空間の百科事典           2
  化石は生きていた           2
  外国旅行案内           2
  機械設計便覧           1
  気象常用表 第9版           7
  地球・太陽・星           2
  地球進化論           2
  天体位置表 1966 1965         4
  天体位置表 1967 1966         4
  天体位置表 1968 1967         4
  天体位置表 1969 1968         4
  天体位置表 1970 1969         4
  天体位置表 1971 1970         4
  天体位置表 1972 1971         4
  天体位置表 1973 1972         4
  天体位置表 1973 1972         4
  天体位置表 1974 1973         4
  天体位置表 1975 1974         4
  天体位置表 1975 1974         4
  天体位置表 1976 1975         4
  天体位置表 1976 1975         4
  天体位置表 1977 1976         4
  天体位置表 1977 1976         4
  天体位置表 1978 1977         4
  天体位置表 1979 1978         4
  天体位置表 1979 1978         4
  天体位置表 1980 1979         4
  天体位置表 1981 1980         4
  天体位置表 1981 1980         4
  天体位置表 1982 1981         4
  天体位置表 1982 1981         4
  天体位置表 1983 1982         4
  天体位置表 1984 1983         4
  天体位置表 1985 1984         4
  天体位置表 1986 1985         4
  天体位置表 1986 1985         4
  天体位置表 1987 1986         4
  天体位置表 1987 1986         4
  天体位置表 1988 1987         4
  天体位置表 1989 1988         4
  天体位置表 1990 1989         4
  天体位置表 1990 1989         4
  天体位置表 1991 1990         4
  天体位置表 1991 1990         4
  天体位置表 1992 1991         4
  天体位置表 1992 1991         4
  天体位置表 1993 1992         4
  天体位置表 1993 1992         4
  天体位置表 1994 1993         4
  天体位置表 1994 1993         4
  天体位置表 1995 1994         1
  天体位置表 1996 1995         1
  天体位置表 昭和18年 1942         4
  天体位置表 昭和19年 1943         4
  天体位置表 昭和22年 1946         4
  天体位置表 昭和22年 1946         4
  天体位置表 昭和23年 1947         4
  天体位置表 昭和24年 1948         4
  天体位置表 昭和24年 1948         4
  天体位置表 昭和25年 1949         4
  天体位置表 昭和26年 1950         4
  天体位置表 昭和27年 1951         4
  天体位置表 昭和28年 1952         4
  天体位置表 昭和29年 1953         4
  天体位置表 昭和30年 1954         4
  天体位置表 昭和31年 1955         4
  天体位置表 昭和32年 1956         4
  天体位置表 昭和33年 1957         4
  天体位置表 昭和34年 1958         4
  天体位置表 昭和35年 1959         4
  天体位置表 昭和36年 1960         4
  天体位置表 昭和37年 1961         4
  天体位置表 昭和38年 1962         4
  天体位置表 昭和39年 1963         4
  天体位置表 昭和40年 1964         4
  天文気象図鑑 星と宇宙           2
  天文気象図鑑 太陽・月・惑星           2
  天文気象図鑑 天文台と望遠鏡           2
  天文年表 1954           2
  天文年表 1955           2
  天文年表 1956           2
  天文年表 1957           2
  天文年表 1957           2
  日本分県地図           3
  熱学及び光学器械           1
  to TOP         I  
  to TOP         II  
  The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions         II/62/  1
  Optical Transition Probabilities 1962       II/62/ M 1
  Le Ciel 1924       II/70/  1
  to TOP         III  
  Frontiers in Space (U.S.)         III/00/  1
  Invited Discourses (I.A.U.) 1965       III/00/  1
  Ottawa Astronomer Report 1905 1905       III/00/ O 1
  Non-Stable Phenomena in Galaxies 1968   29 29 III/01/  1
  World We Live in 1952       III/02/  1
  産報デラックス99の謎 火星・水星・金星 1978       III/02/  1
  Swedish Astronomy Educational Material 1 and 2 marks         III/04/  1
  Swedish Astronomy Educational Material 1 mark         III/04/  1
  Swedish Astronomy Educational Material 2 marks         III/04/  1
  Mariner 6 & 7 Television Pictures:         III/11/  1
  Mars as Viewed by Mariner 9 1976       III/11/  1
  Ranger IX Photographs of Moon 1966       III/12/  1
  Cometary Exploration 1         III/13/  1
  Cometary Exploration 2         III/13/  1
  Cometary Exploration 3         III/13/  1
  Physical Characteristics of Comets 1964       III/13/ V 1
  Динамика Токовых Слоев и Физика Солнечной Активности 1982       III/22/  1
  Centennial Symposia 1948       III/30/  1
  Les Elements et Leurs Isotopes dans l'Univers          III/30/  1
  Symposium Progress in Astrophysics         III/30/  1
  宮本正太郎論文集 1993       III/30/  1
  An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure '67         III/32/  1
  Principes Fondamentaux de Classification Stellaire 1955       III/32/  1
  Proceedings of the Third Europian Astronomical Meeting, Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View 1976       III/40/  1
  Proceedings of the Third Europian Astronomical Meeting, Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View 1976       III/40/  1
  Problemes de Populations Stellaires et de Structure de la Galaxie 1957       III/44/  1
  Sounding Rocket Data Vol.1         III/80/  1
  COSPAR: 14th Plenary Meeting         III/80/ R 1
  Advances in Astronautical Sciences Vol.4 1959       III/81/ J 1
  Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Vol.8 1963       III/81/ J 1
  Advances in Astronautical Sciences Vol.2 1958       III/81/ P 1
  Advances in Astronautical Sciences Vol.3 1958       III/81/ P 1
  Earth Satellires as Research Vehicles 1956       III/83/  1
  Star Plotter Satellite Tracker Fig.1         III/83/  1
  Zeiss 65cm Refractor         III/91/  1
  写真処理技術         III/93/  1
  to TOP         IV  
  Chemical reactions in the Lower and Upper Atmosphere 1961       IV/50/ C 1
  to TOP         V  
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1972 1970   1972   / / V 4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1981 1980       / / V 4
  Tables of 10x 1953       V/11/  1
  M.I.T. Wavelength Tables 1969       V/13/  1
  Photonerric Atlas of the Near Infra-Red Solar Spectum         V/22/ M 3
  Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1994 1993       V/30/  1
  Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1995 1993       V/30/  1
  Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1996 1994       V/30/  1
  Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1997 1996       V/30/  1
  Apparent Places of Fundamental Stars 1998 1996       V/30/  1
  Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue La Palma No.5 1991       V/30/  5
  Catalogue Photographique du Ciel Zone Uccle-Paris Vol.1         V/30/  1
  Catalogue Photographique du Ciel Zone Uccle-Paris Vol.2         V/30/  1
  PPM Star Catalogue Vol.1 1991   1   V/30/  1
  PPM Star Catalogue Vol.2 1991   2   V/30/  1
  PPM Star Catalogue Vol.3 1993   3   V/30/  1
  PPM Star Catalogue Vol.4 1993   4   V/30/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1987 1986       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1988 1987       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1989 1988       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1990 1989       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1991 1990       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1992 1991       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1993 1992       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1994 1993       V/40/  1
  Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1995 1994       V/40/  1
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1960 1958   1960   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1961 1959   1961   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1962 1959   1962   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1962 1960   1962   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1963 1961   1963   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1964 1962   1964   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1965 1963   1965   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1966 1964   1966   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1971 1969   1971   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1974 1972   1974   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1974 1972   1974   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1974 1972   1974   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1975 1973   1975   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1975 1973   1975   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1976 1974   1976   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1976 1974   1976   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1977 1975   1977   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1977 1975   1977   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1978 1976   1978   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1978 1976   1978   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1979 1977   1979   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1979 1977   1979   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1980 1979   1980   V/40/  4
  The American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac 1980 1979   1980   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1981 1980   1981   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1982 1981       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1982 1981       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1983 1982   1983   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1984 1983   1984   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1984 1983   1984   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1986 1985   1986   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1986 1985   1986   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1987 1986       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1987 1986   1987   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1988 1987       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1988 1987   1988   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1989 1988       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1989 1988   1989   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1990 1989       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1990 1989   1990   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1991 1990       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1992 1991       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1992 1991   1992   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1993 1992       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1993 1992       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1994 1993       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1994 1993       V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Almanac 1995 1994   1995   V/40/  1
  The Astronomical Almanac 1995 1994   1995   V/40/  1
  The Astronomical Almanac 1996 1995   1996   V/40/  1
  The Astronomical Almanac 1997 1996       V/40/  1
  The Astronomical Almanac 1998 1997       V/40/  1
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1969 1967   1969   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1970 1969   1970   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1970 1968   1970   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1971 1969   1971   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1972 1970   1972   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1973 1972   1973   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1974     1974   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1975 1973   1975   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1976 1974   1976   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1977 1975   1977   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1978 1976   1978   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1979 1978   1979   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1980 1979   1980   V/40/  4
  The Astronomical Ephemeris 1975 1973   1975   V/40/飛不  
  New Collegiate English-Japanese Dictionary 1985 第5版     V/50/IK 1
  気象常用表 1927       V/60/  1
  京都大学七十周年史 1967       V/60/  1
  新日本分県地図帖         / /飛不 2
  An Introduction to the Theory of Str.         / / 不  
  Argentine Observatoria Nacional Rosultados die Observatorie Nacional Argentins T5         / / 不  
  Greenwich Royal Observatory, Declinations of Stars Derived from Observations      8553   / / 不  
  Greenwich Royal Observatory, Observation made with the Cookson Floating Zenith Telescope         / / 不  
  I.G.Y. Satellite Report Ser. 3vols.         / / 不  
  International Aerospace Abstracts Vol.3         / / 不  
  Raketentechnik und Raumfohrtforshung Ht.1 & 2 1958         / / 不  
  VLA Report Vol.1 (The VLA Concept)         / / 不  
  VLA Report Vol.2 (Systems Design)         / / 不  
  建築設備設計施工資料集成         / / 不  
  天体位置表 昭和20年 1944       / / 不  
  微分方程式論 三回配本         / / 不  
  Bibliography on Atomic Energy Levels and Specta C13,10:363 1980       不V/30/ H