H-alpha Solar Event Movies
Observed by Sartorius Telescope

This is the archive of the movies of Solar Phenomena observed by Sartorius Telescpoe, Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University.

Observation Term Jan.2004 - Dec.2005
(Last update 2007/04/12)

How to use the archive

  • Choose a year from the left nemu, and Click "GO" button.
  • You will find a list of dates in the left frame and an event list in the right frame
  • Choose a date and a type of the movie you prefer. (Mpeg movie or Java Script movie / Large size or Small size)
  • You can watch a movie of solar phenomena in a pop-up window.

    Data usage policy

    Use of data for public education efforts and non-commercial purposes is encouraged. If you want to use the data in a published paper, book, or any other kind of publication including electronic ones, please contact us.

    Feedback and Commets: webmaster (at) kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp