*** Welcome to my home page! ***
This is a page for my memorials of studying,
especially physics and the sun.
I changed my career from a scientist to a URA (University Research Administrator) from April 2014.
The web page of my current affiliation is here.
about me Who am I?
photo&recent event My daily life.
My Works Rapers, Presentations, Posters.
WorkShop & Meeting WorkShops and Meetings I attended.
Student Association: Kyoto Science Codex Collaboration with the Science Cafe Galilaus Galilaei.
Collection of the Solar images Beautiful pictures and movies of the Sun.
Links to solar database Useful links for solar data search
IDL study by reading the book "IDL Basics".
Linux Linux commands that I use often.
tips How to use printer,...and so on.
Analysis of Sunspot Analysis of Sunspot using data from Hinode, DST, TRACE, and so on.
SMART & DST tohban How to be on a SMART shift & a DST shift.
DST Halpha & Ca spectra My works on DST Halpha & Ca spectra.
school work C1 When I was a junior.
school work S2 When I am a senior.
mail If you want to inquire something of me. attention! please change "atmark" to "@".