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Isobe, S., Miyagoshi, T., Yokoyama, T., and Shibata, K.,
Filamentary Structure on the
Sun from the Magnetic
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability,
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Isobe, H., and Shibata, K.,
Three Dimensional MHD Simulation of Convection and Emerging Flux,
in Proc.5th Solar-B Science Meeting,Sakurai,T. and Sekii,T. (eds.),
(ASP Conference Series), in press (2005)
Shiota, D., Isobe, H., Brooks, D. H., and Shibata, K.,
XRT and EIS Observations of Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection,
in Proc.5th Solar-B Science Meeting, Sakurai,T. and Sekii,T. (eds.),
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Brooks, D. H., Isobe, H., and Shibata, K.,
Spectroscopic Detection of Magnetic Reconnection
Evidence in the Solar Atmosphere with Solar-B/EIS, ASP Conference Series, 325,
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Nozawa, S.,
Three-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of
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Miyagoshi, T., and Yokoyama, T.,
Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Solar Coronal Chromospheric
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Okamoto, T., Nakai, H., Keiyama, A., Narukage, N., Ueno, S., Kitai, R.,
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Filament Oscillations and Moreton Waves Associated with EIT Waves,
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Sakajiri, T., Brooks, D. H., Yamamoto, T., Shiota, D.,
Isobe, H., Akiyama, S., Ueno, S., Kitai, R., and Shibata, K.,
A Study of a Tiny Two-Ribbon Flare Driven by Emerging Flux, ApJ, 616, 578-586 (2004)
Tanuma, S., and Shibata, K.,
Internal Shocks in the Magnetic Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares: Multiple
Fast Shocks Created by the Secondary Tearing Instability, ApJ, in press (2005)
Jain, R., Browning, P., and Kusano, K.,
Solar Coronal Heating by Forced Magnetic Reconnection:
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Sano, T., Inutsuka, S., Turner, N.J., and Stone, J.M.,
Angular Momentum Transport by Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
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Aoki, S., Koide, S., Kudoh, T., Nakayama, K., and Shibata, K.,
Quasi-Periodic Inward Shock Formations in the System of a Black Hole
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Oscillations in Galactic Black Hole Candidates, ApJ, 610, 897-912 (2004)
Kuwabara, T., Shibata, K., Kudoh, T., and Matsumoto, R.,
The Acceleration Mechanism of Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic
Jets Launched from Accretion Disks, ApJ, 621, 921-931 (2005)
Shibata, K.,
Magnetic Reconnection in Solar and Astrophysical Plasmas,
in Physics of Magnetic Reconnection in High-Temperature Plasmas,
M. Ugai (ed.), Research Signpost, India, (2004) pp. 193-237
京都大学ニュースリリース 2005年3月11日 、同 2005年3月24日、
京都新聞 2005年3月24日、
読売新聞 2005年3月30日、
毎日新聞 2005年3月30日、
朝日新聞 2005年4月5日