2 0 0 9 P a r i s / M e u d o n

IWCMO Conference


The International Workshop on one Century of Mars Observations (IWCMO) was successfully held on 17, ~20 September 2009 at Paris Observatory and Meudon Observatory, France. This was planned to cerebrate the splendid event on 20 September 1909 when Eug鈩e M. ANTONIADI obtained a superb drawing at Meudon which denied the presence of the so-called canals, just showing a leopard-skin-like markings near Syrtis Mj. ANTONIADI just wrote ʺLes plus belles images que jʹai eues sur Mars avec cet instrument (la lunette de 0m83) ont celles du 20 septembre 1909, qui rest鑽ent parfaites pendant plus de deux heures.ʺ


The day 20 September 2009 was really a centennial anniversary, and about 30 persons gathered from the world and about 20 thirty-minute talks were given during the period.


This conference was organised by the Scientific Committee whose members were: Nicolas BIVER (SAF, France), Gilles DAWIDOWICZ (SAF, France), Thierry FOUCHET (Paris Obs. France), Richard McKIM (BAA, UK), Masatsugu MINAMI (CMO/OAA, Japan), Donald PARKER (ALPO, USA), Christophe PELLIER (SAF, France), William SHEEHAN (USA).


The symposium was expedited by the following programme and talks and so on:

1) Programme

2) Talks

3) Photographic Album

4) Miscellany


Acknowledgements: We would like to express sincerely our deepest gratitude to Nicolas BIVER* and Daniel CRUSSAIRE and other SAF staffs for their kind and great efforts to organise and keep this memorial symposium.

* Nicolas BIVER痴 Notice of the IWCMO Colloque: Click here

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