Series 3 (PDF) 25 May 2018 #95 Issue of
the Third Series The first and
second series of CMOs are The following are
the CMO Documents filed in this Web-Site Back to Forthcoming Back to Back
to Back to Back to OAA Mars Section Reports 2009/2010 OAA Mars Section 2007/2008 OAA
Mars Section 2005 OAA Mars
Section Observation Notes 2009/10 Mars CMO Note 2007/08 Mars CMO Note 2005 Mars CMO Note 2003 Mars CMO Note 1998/99CMO Note Some of CMO Meetings The 12th CMO Meeting on 4 - 5 May 2004 at Anamidzu The
11th CMO Meeting on
2 - 5 May 2003 at Fukui The 10th
CMO Meeting on 2 -5 August 2002 The 9th CMO Meeting on 20 -22
Oct 2001 The 8th CMO Meeting on 15-17 Sept 2000 in Yokohama Letters to the
Editor #200 ( CMO Clicks CMO Members |
Communications in Mars Observations The CMO reports
promptly world-wide observations of Mars sent to the ISMO in each season. The
accumulated data are analysed in the coming off-season. The CMO was first
published by the OAA Mars Section on 25 January 1986, and hence we celebrated
the 10th and 20th Anniversaries of the CMO at the beginning of Members of the ISMO Advisory Board: Tadashi ASADA (As) Reiichi KONNAÏ (Kn) Masatsugu
MINAMI†(Mn) Donald PARKER† (DPk) Christophe PELLIER (CPl) William SHEEHAN (WSh) The
CMO Web-Site is edited and maintained by Tadashi ASADA (As) (Jan 1986~May 1991, Oct 2008~) Any
interested person is invited to send emails |