LtE in CMO #277

From Wei-Leong TAN

® . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 23:20:55 +0800

Subject: mars image 20th August 2003


Dear everyone,


Attached is my mars images from 20th August 2003, this is my first mars image since my US trip. The skies had been cloudy and it finally cleared up.


® . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 08:17:25 +0800

Subject: mars image 22nd August 2003


Dear everyone,


Attached is the mars image from 22nd August 2003. Mars has reached 25" and 5 more days to max size.


This is also my first image using the 40cm pentax cassegrain at the Singapore Science Center Observatory.


Please note the limb haze as well as clouds over sytris major.




® . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 11:32:58 +0800

Subject: mars image 20th August 2003 1721UT


Dear everyone,


After getting myself tuned into full production mode for image processing, I've managed to process another image from 20th August .


The final image is attached here.


Best Regards


TAN Wei-Leong (Singapore)

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