LtE in CMO #277

From Donald C PARKER

® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 04:53:36 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

     Here are some Mars images from 12 August.



MARS IMAGES  12 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    0.14s 1 image

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.34s 7-10 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.25s 6-7 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing fair (5-6 Pickering).  Transparency  4-4.5 m. Light wind SE 0-4 kts. Post thunderstorm. Altitude =46-44 degrees.


Mars's atmosphere clear: no dust clouds. A few small AM limb clouds and haze on SE terminator. No Elysium clouds. NP hood bright in blue. Hyblaeus Extension dark. Trivium-Cerberus only 2 dots. 1-2+ violet clearing.




® . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 01:34:16 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

     Here are some mars images from 13 August.




MARS IMAGES  13 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    0.13s 1 image

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.35s 8-11 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.15s 8-12 images

             Images bias,flat and dark corrected.


Seeing fair (7 Pickering).  Transparency 0-4 m with haze, freq fast cumulus. High winds NE-ENE 4-16 kts. Pre tropical depression.

Altitude =47-50 degrees.


SPC details visible: Thyles Mons separating. Ulyxis Fr., Magma Dep. visible. Prominent NP Hood. Small, bright orographics over Arsia and Olympus Montes. Faint localized clouds over Ausonia near AM limb. Cerberus-Trivium remains weak. No Elysium clouds in blue light -- a few light patches in red.



® . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 03:33:14 +0000



Hi All,

     Here are some Mars images from 17 August. Taken with 16-in Newtonian. In addition I have attached an image taken by Sheldon Faworski with my 10-inch Mewlon, Paramount ME, and ToUCam.

     Note tiny orographic cloud over Arsia Mons and bright aureole in the Olympus Mons region.




MARS IMAGES  17 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    0.11-.14s 1-5 images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.30s 6-9 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.00-1.15s 6-10 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing variable (4-7 Pickering), improved late.  Transparency 4-6 m with haze, freq fast cumulus, very good after lightning storms passed! Wind NE-SE 2-10 kts. Altitude =40-47 degrees.


SPC rifts and outliers prominent. NP Hood remains bright in blue. Small orographic cloud over Arsia Mons, brightens as it moves toward evening limb. No evidence of dust. Violet clearing = 1+. Region around Olymous Mons appears as a conspicuous light areole in red and green light.


® . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 05:29:19 +0000

Subject: Mars Image


Hi All,

     Here is another Mars image from 17 August.






® . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 05:36:31 +0000

Subject: Mars OOPS!


Hi Again,  

Sorry, I sent the wrong image just now. I have been spending too much time staring at the computer doing these %%^%###@ images! Here is the correct one.




® . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 04:05:34 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

     I have attached some Mars images from 19 August (this time with proper color correction!). In addition there are some images taken by Sheldon Faworski with my Mewlon and a ToUCam (18 August & 19 August). The 17 August images have been resubmitted, since the times and CMs were in error.




MARS IMAGES  19 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    0.12-.15s 3-6 images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.33s 6-10 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.15s 7-8 images

             Images bias,flat and dark corrected.


Seeing good (7-8 Pickering).  Transparency 2-5+ m with freq fast cumulus, and thin clouds. WindSE 0-2 kts. Altitude =45-48 degrees. Light dew.


SPC rifts and outliers prominent. NP Hood remains bright in blue. Small orographic cloud over Arsia Mons, brightens as it moves toward evening limb. No evidence of dust. Violet clearing = 1+. Region around Olymous Mons appears as a conspicuous light areole in red light.


® . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 21:13:37 +0000

Subject: Mars Images, Re-Send


Hi All,

     I have attached some Mars images from 13 August and 17 August. These had been sent before, but the color balance on my monitor had changed, most likely due to a power surge, making the images pink. A pretty color, but not for Mars! Sorry for the trouble.






® . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2003 20:22:21 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

     Here are some Mars images from 22 August.




MARS IMAGES  22 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)    0.12-.13s 1-3 images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.33s 8-11 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.00s 7-11 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing fair (6-7 Pickering).  Transparency 4-4.5 m with thin haze and fast cumulus clouds. Wind ESE 3-10 kts. Altitude =41-48 degrees. No dew.


Violet clearing has increased, = 2+.  Thyles Mons breaking away from AM side of the SPC. NP hood not as conspicuous as during last few weeks. No dust. Some limb hazes, but Martian atmosphere otherwise clear. Olympus Mons region bright near NW limb -- possible ice fogs at its base? The Tithonius region, north of Solis Lacus has become dark and broad, such like it did in 1926-1929.


Don PARKER (Miami, FL, USA)

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