From Brian
® . . . . . . .Date:
Subject: Mars images
Aug 13
Hello everyone...
We finally got our hydro back after 24
hrs in the great blackout, and Sandy and I got to spend our 10th anniversary by
candle light afterall.
I have attached a set of IR and RGB
images taken on the morning of Aug 13th. Seeing was moderate, but not too bad
following a series of severe thunderstorms earlier in the evening. I have continued with the same setup - 30cm
SCT @ f34 and the TouCam
Pro in 320×240 mode. RGB image was taken through the Schuler IRX filter and the
IR through the Schuler IR83 filter. Each
image is the composite of the best 50 frames form 30 seconds of video (1/25 sec
exposure, 15 fps).
The SPC has shrunk dramatically during
the past few weeks, and as Clay Sherrod has noted the North Polar Hood is much
more conspicuous in the RGB image.
Please let me know if there are any
® . . . . . . . . .Date:
Subject: 18 August
Hello everyone...
I spent a short session imaging Mars
last night, but only captured one colour and one IR sequence. I was hoping to catch Solis Lacus, but I had
to image with the planet only 19 deg above the horizon to catch that feature. The images worked out, but the seeing was
poor due to the low elevation, and the resolution suffered accordingly.
Imaged through my 30cm SCT @ f37, TouCam
Pro (320×240 mode), IR through Schuler IR83 filter and the RGB through Schuler
IRX. Best 50 frames of 30 second video clip
(15fps, 1/25 sec exp.). Aligned and
stacked with RegiStax and processed with MaximCCD.
While I was waiting for Mars to gain
altitude I noticed a weak aurora in the north after dark. It developed into a strong display which I
watched and photographed until about
Questions and comments are always
® . . . . . . . . .Date:
Subject: 18 August - correction
Hello everyone...
I must correct the data stated in the
CM for the images that I uploaded earlier.
The IR image should read CM 108.7, and the RGB frame is 109.7. I made a mistake in the original calculations
and my double check gave the same measurement.
After thinking about it for a few hours I sat down and re-worked
it. I think this better reflects the
true CM for the features visible.
® . . . . . . . . .Date:
Subject: Aug 20
Hello everyone...
Images from August 20th are
attached. One RGB
frame, one IR and a composite IR+RGB.
Imaged through my 30cm SCT
@ f28, TouCam
Pro (320×240 mode), IR through Schuler IR83 filter and the RGB through Schuler
IRX. Best 50 frames of 30 second video clip
(15fps, 1/25 sec exp.). Aligned and
stacked with RegiStax and processed with MaximCCD.
Seeing was average 6/10, but
transparency was poor due to thin cirrus cloud.
Questions and comments are always
® . . . . . . . . .Date: Thu,
Subject: August 20 correction
I must apologise
for the incorrect labelling of the Aug 20 image...two
in a row, not good.
The RGB frame should read CM 99.5 and
the IR 99.8. The labelled
times are correct but I goofed up the CM calculation.
® . . . . . . . . .Date: Thu,
Subject: correction
Hi all...
Please ignore my correction notice
which was sent earlier this evening.
The CM of the image is correct, but the
time is wrong. The time should read
Hopefully I have no more corrections to room for extra feet in my mouth right now.
Maple Ridge Observatory