LtE in CMO #276

From Skip WALLER

® . . . . . . . .Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 7:45 AM

Subject: Mars Images Showing Polar Dusk Storm


Dear Masami MURAKAMI,


I have captured images of a dust storm or front near the north polar region of Mars on consecutive nights (on 29 July and 30 July 2003) from Dallas, Texas.  I have attached annotated images depicting the location for your review.  I do not currently have a web page so it is difficult for me to share this information.  I can imagine that you probably are swamped with similar pictures.  However, you may use these images as you like if you so desire.  Thank you for your time.


® . . . . . . . .Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 2:23 PM

Subject: New Image from Dallas, Texas



Dear Masami MURAKAMI,


I am sending you another Mars image (on 8 August 2003) captured from Dallas, Texas.  The seeing was very good and the image has some reasonable detail in it.  As before, you may use this image as you like.  Thank you again for your excellent web site.


Skip Waller


Skip WALLER (Dallas, TX, USA)

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