LtE in CMO #276

From  Silvia KOWOLLIK

® . . . . . . . .Date: Sun, 27 July 2003 09:49:56 +0200

Subject: New Mars Image 27.7. 0:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


tonight I had Problems with my Laptopp, so I can send only 1 Picture, taken at 0:40 GMT.


After proceeding at home I found a very bright spot in Hellas - might it be a Duststorm?


λ=230°Ls, (ω= 266°W, φ=20°S)= 21,44", ι=26°


best regards


® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 28 July 2003 05:00:20 +0200

Subject: Re: New Mars Image 27.7. 0:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


> Thank you for your image on 27 July: To say something

> from one image we need another image to confirm. This

> case it seems that you don't have another image, and

> we have not yet received another observation from

> Europe, and so I can't judge.


I told a Friend about my computer Problems and he fixed them. Now I can proceed my other Pictures, but first I have to see, which Data are lost and which he could restore. I am too tiered, to do it now. I will do it tomorrow...


> Do you think the seeing was poor when you shot?


Yes, the air was very turbulent and with naked eye Mars was not clear, it was to close to the horizon and the stones on our observing place were still hand warm. It was the first series I took, to judge the air quality. Mars diameter is growing stronger than its brightness and so I have the Problem that my exposure time with the Webcam is too short and I got some moiree-figures on the screen until 0:40 or 1:00 GMT.


Better seeing was 1 hour later and I saw at the computer display Hellas as a bright area on Mars. Unusually bright. And the dark markings have been very dark and clear. No moiree-figures, no dust, and no clouds at NP region. I made pictures every 20 minutes and at home I recognized, that I cant open my pictures to process, so I could send you just the picture from my "testseries". I think, tomorrow I can send you some more...


best wishes back


® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 29 July 2003 06:37:21 +0200

Subject: Re: New Mars Image 27.7. 0:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


> Thank you for your image on 27 July: To say something

> from one image we need another image to confirm.


My data from the next picture are half lost, so my second picture is not as good, as I wish, but 1 other Observer (Bernd Gaehrken, Germany) took IR Pictures at the same time and he also as this spot, so I think, it is real.


best wishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 29 July 2003 07:02:29 +0200

Subject: New Marspictures 29.7. 0:20 to 2:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


this night I was very successful in observing. I think, i took Clouds at the northern hemisphere!


λ=231°Ls, (ω= 243°W -277°W, φ=20°S), δ= 21,82", ι=25°


best whishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 31 July 2003 04:16:25 +0200

Subject: New Marspictures 30.7. 0:20 to 4:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


yesterday I was also very successful in observing.


λ=231°Ls, (ω= 233°W - 272°W , φ=20°S), δ= 22", ι=24°


best whishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 31 July 2003 13:43:59 +0200

subject: Re: New Marspictures 30.7. 0:20 to 4:40 GMT


Dear Masatsugu,


> The CMO hopes every image is accompanied by ω rather

> than Time. Let us show the data of ω.


ok, sorry


ω was: 233°W, 238°W, 243°W, 248°W, 253°W, 258°W, 263°W, 268°W


best regards



® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 07:36:23 +0200

Subject: New Mars picture 2.8.03


Dear Masatsugu,


here are my results from tonight:


λ=233°Ls, (ω= 203°W, 206°W, 211°W, 216°W, 221°W, 226°W, 231°W, 235°W, 240°W, 245°W , φ=20°S), δ= 22,52 - 22,54", ι=22°


best regards


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 08:08:18 +0200

Subject: Mars from 1.8.03


Dear Masatsugu,


Yesterday was terrible seeing, so I could take only these two pictures:


λ=231°Ls, (ω= 220°W, 245°W , φ=20°S), δ= 22,35 - 22,36", ι=22,91°


This is the first time, that I tried to separate the color channels...


best regards



® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 06:16:19 +0200

Subject: Re: New Marspictures


Dear Masatsugu,


since 30.7. I send you every day pictures, but I got no response and the pictures were not at the cmo page. Did you get my emails? What happened?


If you did not reach them, I can send the pictures again...


best whishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 18:45:31 +0200

Subject: Re: New Marspictures


Dear Masatsugu,


> I think we received all of your images, but for five nights from 30 July to 3

> August we were terribly busy since we organised two teams (at Naha and Tokyo)

> for the observations of the possible Sun-glint phenomena near the Solis L area:

> :De =Ds occurred on 1 August around the latitudes of Solis L. I was concerned

> here with a Naha team and Murakami with a Tokyo team. I think everybody was

> aware that the CMO web itself was silent during the nights of JST. We were no

> more than able to upload readymade images during the daytime, though the dust

> problem at the Chryse area has been urgent.


yes, I understand. I was just not sure, if you get my emails, because I had some troubles with my Laptop and the Internet...


> I think soon your images on 30 July, 1 Aug and 2 Aug will be uploaded from

> cmo@.


That’s ok, your duststorm observation was more important...


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 23:06:39 +0200

Subject: New Marspicture 5.8.2003


Dear Masatsugu


it is hot, hot, hot. I am melting away... During night the temperature doesn’t go back and in my home we have about 41°C !!!


here is the Pictures from 5th August:


λ=235°Ls, (ω= 184°W, φ=20°S, δ= 23,03", ι=20,29°



® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 05:58:21 +0200

Subject: New Marspicture 7.8.2003


Dear Masatsugu,


here are the Pictures from 7th August:


λ=237°Ls, (ω= 137°W, 147°W, 156°W, 166°W, φ=20°S), δ= 23,33 - 22,35", ι=18,94 - 18,88°



® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 07:21:33 +0200

Subject: New Marspicture 8.8.2003


Dear Masatsugu,


here are the Pictures from 8th August:


λ=237°Ls, (ω= 133°W, 137°W, 151°W, 153°W, 158°W, 162°W, 170°W, φ=20°S), δ= 23,49 - 23,5", ι=18,22 - 18,14°


best wishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 07:25:34 +0200

Subject: Re: New Marspicture 7.8.2003


Dear Masatsugu,


> Yours images on 7 August are precious since they all show the aspects I

> just wrote about this morning in CMO News #5. The one at LCM=156 degs W

> shows well the characteristic, while others join to study the rotation of

> the shadowy part. The bright spot at the periphery is Thyles Mons.


Can you mark the spot? I have problems to identify lots of small (or even big) structures, I never heard about Thyles Mons. Is it a Mountain at the spc? Remember, this is my first Marsobserving time and we have not the necessary Mars maps at the Observatory. Also I am the only person, who observes Mars in this intensity at our Observatory and the other Observers call me now "our Marsexpert"!!! But I don’t feel as an expert. I am just a "Beginner" and can’t ask anybody here at the Observatory...


I tried to find some Marsmaps at the internet, but I was not really successful. I found some maps, but they show only the big albedo structures with names, and their orientation is to the Northpole, so the Southpolecap is not on the maps...


Can you tell me an URL, where I can find a good map?


> I hope you will chase the thawing out of the right-hand side

> (following part) of the spc for several consecutive days.


I try it, but we have trouble with clouds. During daytime it was very hot - so hot, that I give 12 big bottles of my private mineral water to the 22 children, which visited our Observatory during three hours at the afternoon in our children-holiday-programme...


Later on sundown clouds were coming and we had a very romantic colored sundown. During our public observation-time we had 88 persons at the Observatory and they stayed until midnight, watching the Moon behind thin and strong clouds. Mars was visible with naked eyes, but with my webcam I could not see Mars if there is any thin cloud. And we had a lot of such thin clouds... So I could take some pictures, but not in my normal rhythm... And they are not very sharp...


Everybody is waiting for a thunderstorm, to cool down the atmosphere and to clear it. Our air comes the long long way from Atlantik coast in Spain, crosses Spain, France and half Germany (this is about 1500 km or longer) until we look through. So there is a lot of dust, aerosols from factories and smoke in it. Rain would clear it and the observing conditions would be better...


Now I am sitting alone at the Observatory terrace and write this email, because the sky is clouded. I can send the email only from home, here I can not go to the Internet - we have no Connection, because our "director" thinks, the stuff would look to sex-sites during night :-((... and he is afraid about the costs and "our good name".....


(poor man, poor Observatory...)


best wishes


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 06:59:13 +0200

Subject: New Marspicture 9.8.2003


Dear Masatsugu,


tonight the conditions have been better, so I could take Mars pictures in "normal" 20 minutes time difference. Seeing and transparency were better than yesterday, but we have still some thin clouds...


λ=238°Ls (ω= 129°W, 133°W, 138°W, 143°W, 148°W, 153°W, 158°W, 163°W, 169°W, 172°W, φ =20°S), δ = 23,64" - 23,66", ι=17,48° - 17,39°


best wishes


Silvia KOWOLLIK (Stuttgart, Germany) 

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