LtE in CMO #276


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sun, 27 July 2003 18:00:49 -0400

Subject: Mars - 25 July 2003


Hello everyone...


I have enjoyed receiving all of the great images form everyone this summer. Let’s keep up the good work. I was wondering if there is a site set up to archive all of these observations, as MarsWatch was in the previous years?  I have not seen any reference to it, and there seems to be a lot of images that by-pass me, based on the comments that I have forwarded on other e-mails. If anyone has a URL or any other comments, please pass it along.


I have attached an RGB and IR image taken early in the morning of July 28th.  These are an improvement over previous attempts, but still a long way off what I would like to produce. These were taken with the 30cm Classical Cassegrain at f43 with a Schuler IR block for the RGB image and a Schuler IR83 (IR passing) for the IR frame. I used Registax to composite the best 50 frames from a 30 sec video clip (approx 450 frames each) and processed these in MaximCCD. Additional details are noted on the image.


Please let me know if there are any questions or comments.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:33:03 -0400

Subject: Mars 02 August


Hello everyone...


I have attached a sequence of images taken over a 1.5 hour period on the morning of August 2nd. These images were taken with the 30cm Schmidt-Cass. and TouCam Pro at f34.


Initially the seeing was steady and I was able to get a couple of good IR and colour images. As time progressed, the dew and fog became quite heavy and the last two image sequences were taken through increasing cirrus cloud. By the tine the final images were taken the Mars was barely visible in the fog and cloud. The colour balance of the last RGB image suffers as a result.


These are the best 50 frames composited from 450 frames from a 30 second video sequence, with the camera running at 15fps and 1/25 sec exposures. I was quite happy to see the resolution in the IR. Most video sequences were shot in 320~240 mode, but I managed to get one hi-res sequence that worked out.


Please note that there is an image processing artifact in each image along the right edge of the Martian globe giving the appearance of dark arc from pole to pole.


Please let me know if there are any questions or comments.


Take care,


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 11:52:04 -0400

Subject: Mars Aug 5th


Hello everyone...


I grabbed a few video clips of Mars early in the morning of August 5th, using the 30cm SCT and TouCam Pro. One IR and one RGB image is included in the attached file along with a LRGB frame using the IR as the luminance channel.  The RGB frame is raw, but the IR has been processed with MaximCCD. Each image is a composite of the best 50 frames from a 30 second clip which was captured at 15 fps and a 1/25 sec. exposure.


I am quite happy with the results, especially the IR frame.


As always, questions and comments are welcome.


Brian COLVILLE (Ontario, Canada)

Maple Ridge Observatory

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