Wei-Leong TAN
® . . . . . . . .Date:
mars image
Dear Friends,
Attached is the mars image from this morning (15th July
The skies weather here has been cloudy most of the time for
this month and this morning I managed to steal a few minutes when a small
clearing occurs thru the clouds which allows me to
image for about 30mins.
Seeing was 5-7/10 and transparency 4-7/10 (thin high clouds)
As usual the images are done with the 250mm Takahashi mewlon @ f/67.5
with the Televue 5x powermate
+ Philips Toucam Pro and the Baader
UV-IR blocking filter. I've experimented with a combination of televue 2x+1.8x barlow
for a lower F ratio in the region of f50
which I will process the AVI and send them out this evening.
Best Regards
® . .
. . . . . .Date:
Subject: mars
image 15th July 2003 - 1959UT - super natural processing
Dear friends,
Here's 2nd and final image from this morning (
I've processed this image with my new "super
natural" method.
You may compare with the 1941ut image posted earlier on, I think the details for this image is still decent.
Stack of 1000 out of 1800 frames toucam
pro at 1/25sec gain 50%.
® . .
. . . . . .Date:
Re: Mars -
Nice image you had there. The raw is certainly good as well.
It was a nice trip up
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 12:15 AM
TAN Wei-Leong (