LtE in CMO #275


® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 11 July 2003 13:10:08 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-11


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under good to very good seeing and poor transparency due to the fog. This morning I had the best opportunity to image the Red so far!


You can also find full size image at:




® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 11 July 2003 15:44:33 +0200

Subject: Re: Mars 2003-07-11


Masatsugu MINAMI wrote:


> Do you use the interference filters of type2?


I'm using RGB dicroic filter set by Edmund Optics.


>The G image may imply that the surface is heavily misted (with

>thin water vapour/airborne dust). Is it not?


Yes, it seems to be so in some way.


> I suspect the B will

>be able to show the mist more whitish and clearly. Details are

>perfect in R!


>I hope you will enjoy your further work in this great apparition,

>and hope you will keep us informed.


Yes, of course!


Have a nice opposition, too!


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 12 July 2003 12:36:20 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-12


Dear all,


This morning another good to very good opportunity to image Mars! Hope this thread goes on when IR and UV pass filters be here with me, too...


These 2 consequential images gave to me the chance to confirm a lot of small detail on the martian ground.


You can also find full size image at:





® . . . . . . . .Date: Sun, 13 July 2003 12:49:34 +0200

 Subject: Mars 2003-07-13


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair/good seeing and good transparency. No apparent dust activity at this longitude. Hope be quite for a long time again...


You can also find full size image at:




® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 15 July 2003 15:15:29 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-15


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under good seeing and transparency.


You can also find full size image at:





® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 16 July 2003 11:36:22 +0200

Subject: Re: Mars 2003-07-15



I attach you an experimental image taken in the IR spectrum (centered @ 830nm about) on July 15th soon after the RGB color imaging. In Mare Acidalium there's no clear patch as in the R image: may be dust there?


Hope this helps.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 16 July 2003 12:37:19 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-16


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair seeing and transparency.


You can also find full size image at:




® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 19 July 2003 11:34:27 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-19


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair/good seeing and poor transparency. Strong irregularity on the SPC: a dark rift on the left and a very bright remark close to the central meridian! Does someone know what they correspond to?


You can also find full size image at:





® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 21 July 2003 10:24:32 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-20


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under good to very good seeing and good transparency. Note the very bright prominence of Mons Argenteus (?) in the SPC close to the CM.


You can also find full size image at:




® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 22 July 2003 13:03:58 +0200

Subject: Mars 2003-07-22


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair seeing and good transparency with clouds rolling up all around.  To remark the strong contrast between the dark Sinus Sabaeum and the very bright Mons Argenteus.


You can also find full size image at:




Paolo LAZZAROTTI (Massa, Toscana, Italia)

                                                                                                                                                    (Italian High Quality Astro Instruments)

(Personal Photo Gallery)

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