LtE in CMO #275

From Robert BUNGE

® . . . . . . . .From: "Bob Bunge" <>

To: "cmo" <>

Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2003 6:32 PM

Subject: Mars 2003-07-12 8:35 UT



Drawing attached.  Here are my notes:


2003/07/12, 08:35 UT, Bowie MD, 17-inch f/7.8 reflector 260 & 480x  Seeing 3 out of 10. Cool, humid, light wind. Cold front just broke hours ago, several days of very hot and humid weather to provide almost spring like conditions. Seeing very poor, mostly 270x. Bright spot in South Polar Cap seen visually, but was brighter with a W47 (blue) filter. Bald spots, bright spots and notches; the SPC steals the show. Bright area on following southern limb was slightly brighter in blue, but not much. Other detail as might be expected, but washed out because of poor seeing. First observation since the birth of John Robert Bunge 7/6/03. 20-inch stopped down to 17-inches.


® . . . . . . . .To: "cmo" <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 6:32 PM

Subject: 2003-07-15 8:15UT LCM=126°



Drawing attached.  Notes below:


2003/07/15, 08:15 UT, LCM=126°  Bowie MD, 17-inch f/7.8 reflector 480x


Seeing 5 out of 10. 20-inch stopped down to 17-inches. Heavy dew, cool, no wind. Fast moving low cirrus interrupted the session several times. Very fast seeing. Lots of detail in the South Polar Cap, dark streak, other dark areas abound. Pointy projection into dark collar around SPC near the CM could be the Mts. of Mitchell that aren't either completely separated from the SPC yet, or weren't resolved. Good amount of detail elsewhere, including a very fine view of Solis Lacus with the "eye" affect as good I've seen it in recent years. Brighter area on southern following limb was seen both white light and with w47. Brief glimpse early in session of bright area in south, but was not able to repeat throughout the rest of the observation in either white light or with the 47 filter, so no recorded cloud activity over the Tharsis region.


Thank you,


® . . . . . . . .Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 6:53 PM

Subject: Mars 2003-07-18 08:00 UT CM=110



Mars drawing attached.  Here are some notes:


2003/07/18, 09:00 UT, LCM=110°  Bowie MD, 17-inch f/7.8 reflector 280-480x Seeing 4 out of 10. No wind, cool, light dew on grass, none on telescope. Fast seeing, similar to the past couple of days that resulted in seeing almost no detail at all. Really nice view of Solis Lacus; almost a double ring affect with a double "eye". Much detail in the SL region, almost too much to draw. Bright area P SL seen only with w25 filter. Limb clouds on south F edge where best seen in w85 adn 47 filters. Very faint NPH activity in 47 filter. 20-inch stopped down to 17.


Thank you,


® . . . . . . . .Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 5:28 PM

Subject: Mars 2003-07-20 07:45 UT LCM=073°



Drawing attached.  Notes:


2003/07/20, 07:45 UT, LCM=073°  Bowie MD, 17-inch f/7.8 reflector 480x Seeing 7 out of 10. Very nice morning, moderate dew. Had to undew the secondary mirror. For the first time, Solis Lacus actually looked like Solis Lacus! Plenty of detail around the center and surrounding areas. Bright area on South Polar Cap, along with a notch and the bald spot. Very faint North Polar Hood. Blue filter showed almost no detail. 20-inch stopped down to 17-inch. Casual glance for moons, but didn't see any.




Bob BUNGE (Bowie, Maryland, USA)

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