LtE in CMO #275

From Alan W HEATH

Dear Masatsugu,


 Enclosed is a rather poor observation of Mars made yesterday. At last the morning skies are clearing and I now hope to get really into this current apparition.


 My site is now suffering yet more light pollution. A nearby local garage has started to sell secondhand cars and, as they are displayed outside, are illuminated at night. All night in fact.  I have spoken with the owner and he is sympathetic and has angles the lights downwards but things will never be the same again. Fortunately this is not too much of a problem with planets.


 A recent letter from Harold Hill asked me for your address as I understand he may be making contributions shortly to you.


 I hope you are in better health,


 With warmest regards       

(11 July 2003)


Alan HEATH (Nottingham, England)

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