From Silvia KOWOLLIK
® . . . . . . Date:
From: Silvia Kowollik <>
Subject: New Mars Image
25 June.
Dear Masatsugu,
Tonight I could take a new picture
of Mars, this time I saw first time structures in the
λ=209°Ls (ω=217°W, φ=21°S) δ=15.7", ι=39°
® . . . . . . Date:
Subject: New Mars Image
26 June.
Dear Masatsugu,
I took a new picture on 26 June. at
λ=210°Ls (ω=207°W, φ=21°S) δ=15.85",
best wishes
® . . . . . . Date:
Subject: New Mars Image
30 June. at
Dear Masatsugu,
Tonight I could take a new picture
of Mars at
Data picture
Seeing: 3-4/10 Transparency: 3-4/5
λ=213°Ls (ω=162°W, φ=21°S) δ=16.5", ι=37°
Is it possible, that the picture shows
a cloud over a volcano in the Tharsis region? I believe, that the small bright
spot near the terminator under the equator is real, because on 3 picture-series
(between 0:30 and
Data picture
Seeing: 6-7/10
Transparency: 2-3/5
λ=213°Ls (ω=180°W, φ=21°S) δ=16.5", ι=37°
best wishes
® . . . . . .Date:
Subject: New Mars Image
04 July 2003,
Dear Masatsugu,
in a small part free sky I could take this picture of
Mars, before and behind it was rainy...
Data picture
Seeing: 2-3/10
Transparency: 3/5
λ=215°Ls (ω=124°W, φ=21°S) δ=17,2", ι=36°
I think, I
saw some white clouds over the Tharsis-Volcanoes, shadows? or
the 3 volcanoes themselves in a line and a second cloud over Olympus Mons, but
I am not sure, it was very lousy Seeing...
Best wishes
® . . . . . .Date:
Subject: New Mars
Images 7 July. 0:20 to
Dear Masatsugu,
This night I had nearly optimal
conditions, transparency 8/10, seeing 8/10 and so I could take this pictures
between 0:20 GMT and
λ=217°Ls (ω=086°W, 091°W, 096°W, 101°W, 106°W,
111°W, 115°W, φ=21°S) δ=17,7",
best regards
® . . . . . . Date:
Subject: Re:
New Mars Images 7 July. 0:20 to
Dear Masatsugu,
> Excellent are your series of
Mars shot on 7 July!
I think, this was my best night this
year, visually I could observe Mars from
> I hope you will keep the time schedules
you used on 7 July hereafter,
> especially in the times of dust
I do my best, for our Website I made
a Rotation animation and I will continue with it, our Visitors love that...
> Yours images show the new
Phasis and the
> but I
think each image is too small and looks embossed. So
could you re-process again before uploading in our Web?
ok, you are right, I do it again, but the images are the
original size with f=42 and if I blow
them up, they will lost sharpnes...
Here is my try with mars on 0:00 GMT
in double size. Does it still look embossed? I don’t find this word in my
dictionary, so I don’t know, what it means...
For each picture I need about 1.5 h
to process, so I need some more Time to do it with all my pictures... This
night it will be cloudy, so I can try processing with all pictures again
(13.300 single pics, 3.8 GB)
best wishes,