LtE in CMO #274


® . . . . . .From: "Carlos Hernandez" <>

To: "Masami Murakami" <>

Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 4:42 PM

Subject: Mars Observation (June 26, 2003)


Dear Mr. Murakami,


I made an observation of Mars on June 26, 2003 (07:10 U.T.) in which much detail was noted over the regions between Mare Tyrrhenum and Sabaeus Sinus (East-West, or preceding-following) and Neith Regio-Meroe Insula and Mare Australe (North-South). During brief moments of steady seeing the albedo features (e.g. Syrtis Major, Mare Tyrrhenum, and Iapygia Viridis) appeared to exhibit a "mottled-appearance" similar to that described by the great Mars observer Eugene Michael Antoniadi during the great (perihelic) opposition of 1909. I have not noted so much detail over Mars in some time. I, along with everyone else, am anxiously awaiting the planet to grow larger in apparent size. Let us hope that a global dust storm does not develop and obscure the surface.


Date (U.T.): June 26, 2003

Time (U.T.): 07:10

CM: 289.1

Ls 210.2 (Mid-Northern Autumn)

De -20.7, Ds -12.2, k 0.89

Diameter: 15.9 arc-seconds

9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain

Magnification: 248x and 323x

Filters: Wratten 23A, 30, 38, and 64

Seeing (1-10): 5-6, Antoniadi (I-V): III

Transparency (1-6): 2-3 (Hazy)



The South Polar Cap (SPC) was prominent (10/10) over the southern limb. A shaded (4/10), central albedo marking was noted.  Rifts were noted along the SPC border with one located at approximately 320-330 degrees W appearing to connect with the SPC central albedo feature.  Mare Australe appeared to form a dark (3/10) collar along the northern border of the SPC. Mare Tyrrhenum appeared dark (3/10) towards the south-following limb. Mare Hadriacum (eastern border of Hellas) appeared dark (3/10) and separated from Mare Tyrrhenum by a bright (7/10) Ausonia. Syrtis Major appeared dark (3/10) and prominent on the CM (intricate detail was noted within it during moments of steady seeing). Nilosyrtis-Protonilus was noted as a shaded (4/10), thin albedo feature towards the northern limb (9/10). A bright (7/10) rift was noted to extend between Libya (7-8/10) and Iapygia Viridis (3/10) over Crocea. A very bright (8/10) cloud was noted over Aethipois-Aehteria and encroaching upon Libya. Hellas appeared bright (7/10) with Zea Lacus noted at it's center and Peneus bisecting it east-west. Deltoton Sinus appeared dark (3/10). Hellespontus, Noachis, and Pandorae Fretum appeared dark to shaded (3-4/10) towards the

south-following limb. The eastern portion of Sabaeus Sinus appeared dark (3/10) and curvilinear. towards the following limb. An extremely bright (9/10) morning (following) limb haze was noted as well.


The best of luck to you and your fellow Mars observers in your own observations and imaging of Mars. Please give my best to Dr. Minami.


® . . . . . .From: "Carlos Hernandez" <>

To: "Masami Murakami" <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 5:55 AM

Subject: Mars Observation (July 7, 2003)



Dear Mr. Murakami,


I made an observation of Mars this morning showing the dust storm extending across the martian southern hemisphere between Phaethontis to Ausonia. The storm was especially prominent between Electris (on the CM) and Ausonia. Very bright (8/10) streaks were noted towards the northern limb over Scandia and Panchaia which could represent dust events as well. I welcome any comments on this observation.


Date (U.T.): July 7, 2003

Time (U.T.): 05:45

CM: 164.7

Ls 216.8 (Mid-Northern Autumn)

De -20.6, Ds -14.5. k (phase): 0.908

Diameter: 17.7 arc-seconds

Instrument: 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain

Magnification: 248x, 344x, and 443x

Filters (Wratten): 23A, 30, 38, and 64

Seeing (1-10): 5-6 (moments of 7-8), Antoniadi (I-V): III

Transparency (1-6): 2-3 (hazy)



The South Polar Cap (SPC) appeared brilliant (10/10) with a dusky to dull (4-5/10) central core. A dark (3/10) rift (Magnes?) was visible at approximately 180-190 West longitude. A dark (3/10) collar was noted to surround the SPC. The regional dust storm was noted to extend between Phaethontis (preceding or evening limb) and Ausonia (on the following or morning limb). It was noted to be more prominent using Wratten 23A (light red), 30 (magenta), and 64 (blue-green) filters. Thyle I and II appeared to be obscured as well. The northern half of Mare Cimmerium and Mare Sirenum appeared dark (3/10). A very bright (8/10) cloud (possibly with dust) was noted over Symplegades Insulae. Zephyria and Aeolis appeared bright (7/10) with a dull (5/10) streak (Tartarus?) noted across the region. A very bright (8/10) cloud was noted over Memnonia appearing to connect to an extremely bright (9/10) orographic cloud (Arsia Mons?) adjacent to the preceding limb. Trivium Charontis was weakly visible (4/10) connected to a dark (3/10) Phlegra and separated from the Propontis complex (3-4/10) by a very bright (8/10) streak (dust?). Another smaller streak (8/10) was noted east (preceding) the Propontis complex. Extremely bright (9/10) evening (preceding), northern, and morning (following) limb hazes were noted as well.


The best of luck on your own observations and imaging of Mars. My best to wishes to Dr. Minami, your fellow recorders, and OAA Mars observers.



Carlos HERNANDEZ (Miami, FL, USA)

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