LtE in CMO #272

From David M MOORE

® . . . . . . . . . . Subject: Mars - April 25, 2003


 Seeing was a touch better this morning than last. This morning I used an Infrared Blocker (>700nms) w/ the TouCam and am pleased with the results.  I believe the Blue channel is a far better representation of what a true 400-510 nms image should look. As you may recall, I did not use an IRB in yesterday mornings image. The Red channel was not as hot either.

 (26 April 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: wedge Prisms


Masatsugu: Would it be possible to get Mr. Kumamori's email address regarding these wedge prisms?  Or could you relay a simple question.  The only wedge prisms I see available from Edmunds Optics (as pointed out by Tom Dobbins) are 2, 4, and 6 degree (wedge angle deviation) prisms.  The stated ones used by Mr. Kumamori are 3 and a 5.  Which of the above prisms would he recommend I purchase instead?  Or is it that important to stay with his stated 3 and 5?


  I am always interested in improving my images, so this may help.                

(26 April 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Mars - April 27, 2003


 I debated whether to submit this observation at all.  Seeing was poor throughout the session.  I imaged three separate times with this being the last and best of the three. The first two I was only able to choose less than 20 images out of 1800!! 

  I have been using with curiosity the Clear Sky Clock as described in S&T last month.  It has been pretty accurate this week till last night and this morning. Still, an interesting and useful product.


 One thing I do note this week on Mars is the lack of much morning cloud/fog activity.

     (27 April 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Re: RE:Mars - April 27, 2003


> By the way, Okano last night informed me of his temporary analysis

> that a 30 % of ToUcam's B light is mingled with the G light >500nm

> in conformity with Maurice's suggestion. Do you need then a G

> blocker for the B?


  It's too complicated to worry about. Even though the ToUCam probably has the best chip going right now, it does have its limitations. I will begin imaging in the IR and UV soon with either the HX-5 or Stellacam EX.


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Mars - May 01, 2003


  Seeing a bit better this morning, close to average.

I am having a problem with my monitors.  I process the images on the computer in the observatory and they appear just right, having good brightness/color balance.  When I bring the finished images inside to my flat screen, they are brighter and somewhat washed out/ with hot spots.  Not sure which one is right? Newer and better video cards and monitors I guess. Always something!

(2 May 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Re: Wedge Prism + ToUcam


Masatsugu: Thanks you for your reply. A very detailed letter with lots of information. I find it very interesting and it is noted that there appear to be several opinions as to which prisms work best. It is further noted that placement is important as well. I have ordered a 4wedge prism to experiment with. As soon as I figure out how to hold it in place, I will order several others as well.


  Okano's concern with Registax is justified. However, I have never relied on software to choose my images. I do not trust it! Good images are missed and bad ones are included. I have always previewed my images one at a time.  With K3CCDTools, the images are first sorted by quality and then it is a simple matter to only preview the first few hundred instead of all the frames.


  The HST images are striking in showing at what band width the vapors of Mars' atmosphere show!  I think that, only after the current opposition, will we have a better feel as to what extent color cameras such as the TouCam can play on the study of Mars. It is capable of such high resolution, it deserves a place in our observatories.


  Ah, the skies of Phoenix.  So clear, but we now have Spring upon us and there is a large Jetstream flowing overhead. Very windy at ground level as well. As I write this at 0630 AM, a breeze is already developing.  I have attempted to image over the past week, but observing and imaging is useless. Thanks

        (8 May 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 06:42:35 -0700

Subject: Re: Another version of Mars 6th May UT



 I am afraid that I am unable to make such a judgment call.  As I sit here looking at your image I am overcome with emotion and envy!!

 I'll call up Mars Watch later and do a comparison.


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Mars - May 12, 2003


 This image is a bit late. I over processed it slightly to enhance the evening hazes over Chryse. Solis L is prominent on the CM. Seeing conditions were not too bad, but the overall quality of the image is a bit fuzzy.

(15 May 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Mars - May 16, 2003


 Here is a image set with the 36cm Cassegrain and HX-5.  Seeing was poor and prismatic images were prevalent. These are single images and the best out of 50 each.  A fairly poor effort. Still, a lot of familiar details are visible in the Red image. Thanks

(20 May 2003 email)


® . . . . . . . . . .Subject: Mars - 24 May, 2003


  Seeing is proving too poor to use the large Cass and HX-5 combo.  So its back to the webcam! Seeing was poor, yet a decent image was obtained with the webcam.  Sometimes the atmospheric harmonics are just right.


In the future I am going to combine webcam color images with those of my Stellacam in IR and Blue. Stellacam images are proving awesome on Mars.

(25 May 2003 email)

Dave MOORE (Phoenix, AZ, USA)

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