LtE in CMO #271

From Frank J MELILLO

@ . . . . . . . . . . Subject: 'Mercury Today' No. #9


Dear all planetary observers-

    If you're interested, 'Mercury Today' newsletter No. #9 has been posted at:


 (9 April 2003 email)


○・・・・・・・Subject: Mercury / April 12, 2003

Dear all planetary observers-

  I have taken some Mercury images on April 12th at 23:30 UT.  The seeing was not all that bad. Mercury seems to have a dark feature just south of equator near the terminator. It may be Solitudo Croiphori, one of the most prominent feature visible on the disk.

 Is anyone looking forward to see the transit of Mercury on May 7th?  


 (16 April 2003 email)



(Holtville, NY, USA)

ALPO Mercury Coordinator

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