LtE in CMO #270

From David M MOORE

© . . . . . . . . . . Subject: Jupiter - March 13, 2003


Seeing was not that good last evening, yet the images turned out well I think. The first is 70 images stacked together and the second consists of only 45. K3CCD tools is a very friendly program. It does most all processes without much input from the user. What I like best about it, is its ability to sort the images by quality. A few bad ones sneak through, but one only needs to deselect them. I deselect all of the images and choose manually the ones I like. Since they are sorted by quality, you only need to go through the first several hundred in my case, before the image quality decreases. The process is controlled by the Planetary Wizard, which guides you through the entire process. I still use Registax and PSP to process the images.  The web site for this freeware is 


Try it if you have not already!



(14 March 2003 email)


Dave MOORE (Phoenix, AZ, USA)

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