From Christophe PELLIER
® .
. . . . . . . . Date: Sun, 29
Jan 2006 15:00:44 +0100
Subject: Mapping the 2005 Mars
Hi guys, here are two links with maps
of Mars in 2005, made with WinJupos:
General map :
Polar maps :
I don't recall having seen many polar
maps of Mars. This is easily done with WinJupos. One
limit to these maps is that they have been realized with images from three
different months (september,
octobre, november). Therefore
seasonal and daily changes are mixed together, bringing errors to the map, such
as the SPC which doesn't present its real shape, or the NPH. Nonetheless the
map of the NPH is interesting; it proves clearly that the hood reaches more
southerly latitude around 30° and 210°, where are theoretically found the
Acidalium and Utopia low pressure systems...
Many thanks to you Grischa
for your fantastic software and to all that gave you a hand!
Best wishes,
Christophe PELLIER (Noisy