LtE in CMO #283

From  Mario FRASSATI

® . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 23:43:57 +0100

Subject: Mars, 2003 Nov.13


Dear Mars observers


I send you a new Mars drawing of Nov. 13.


Kind regards


® . . . . . . Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 19:59:14 +0100

From: "Mario Frassati"

To: "Masatsugu MINAMI", "Masami MURAKAMI", "Donald Parker", "Jeff Beish", <>, "Rik Hill", <>

Subject: Mars, 2003 Nov.17


Dear Mars observers


I send you a new Mars drawing of Nov. 17


Visible a prominence like an irregularity of the terminator. Colour orange-yellowish. Very bright white clouds on the disk.


Kind regards


Mario FRASSATI (Crescentino (VC) Italy)

Coordinator of the Mercury Program, UAI


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