CMO ずれずれ艸 (南天・文臺)
ブルー・ヘーズという概念の導入がどういう風になされたかも調べを付けていないが、兎に角W47邊りで撮る写真には模様が写らないという事実から、短波長の光を散乱ないし吸収させる何かが上空に在る筈という予想が立てられた譯である。よくものの本には菫色写真と赤色写真の像を半々に並べ、菫色の方が大きく写るからこれが菫色層が嵩ばったものだみたいに尤もらしく述べられていたものだが、これなど本当だろうか。火星面については W25に比較して W47では猛烈な露出倍率が掛かる上に、焦点にも移動があって、像の大きさそのものの比較は容易でない筈で、斯くの如き子供騙しの様な比較は俄には信じられない。数量的に調べた譯ではないが、数量化自体が容易でないし、出た結果を検討したものがあればとんでもない結果であったのではなかろうかと思われる程である。
もし、白色光を透すのであれば、W25とW47ではどれ程の倍数でも無いと思うが、火星面ではあれだけの違いが出るということは、もとの光が白色光では無いと考えた方がよいし、無理して露出を掛けて出した青色光写真はバランスを欠いていると言える。もし、極冠のみ応分の明るさなら、火星の輪郭さへ写らなくても、それは火星の本体の色彩が二色から合成されているということであって、寧ろ露出過剰の青色光を重ねることはバランスを崩す、つまり本来の色彩を否定してしまうことになろう。尤も、赤色光で露光すると模様のコントラストが付くことが知られており、このことが暗色模様は反赤色光と診る根拠なのかも知れないが、実は長い波長では明暗の差が際立つだけということかも知れないのである。実際、波長が長くなるにつれて、明暗のコントラスト差が強くなるというドルフュスとフォキアスの研究もある。色彩の違いでは無いのである。逆に短波長では明暗の差がなくなり、結局短波長では暗色模様が埋没してしまうということになる。これは土壌そのものが短波長の光を吸収してしまう、従ってそのような色を出さず、持たない、従って短波長では感度が急激に落ちる、ということになる。恐らく、その昔 “運河”が信じられていた様な時代には、菫色層の下には三色で合成される色彩豊かな世界が擴がっていると想像されたのであろう。然し、シヌス・サバエウス等が茶系統に見えることは屡々で、それでも赤色光写真ではこれはメリハリの利いた暗色模様である。
Blue Layer
As might be strange to anyone, we seldom refer
to the problem or phenomenon of the blue haze and/or blue clearing in this
journal, not to say about the blue light photographs. The reason is very
simple: we simply don't believe in such an idea of the Blue Haze.
We have no references about the blue haze at hand, and we cannot
therefore dispute with any certain sources, but going back to a popular
introduction of the blue haze, the surface of Mars was said to be covered by a
blue layer which scatters or absorbs the light composed of shorter wave lengths
so that the surface taken through the blue light was almost always opaque
concerning the dark markings: it was also said that the blue light image is
bigger than the red light image; the fact believed to show the existence of the
blue layer at the higher atmosphere. It is however not so often stressed that
the comparison is not so easy because the focal lengths are different in blue
and red lights and furthermore the exposure time which is needed when we use
W47 is much longer than the case we use W25 and hence the image by W47 absorbs
more the unnecessary turbulence.
We may contrarily infer that the mythology of
the blue haze was the one when they believed in the existence of the fictitious
canals and at those times they believed that the Martian surfaces were full of
the white integrated light under the blue layer.
If we instead suppose that the Martian surface itself absorbs the light
of shorter wave length, the situation becomes much simpler. The reason that the
blue-light photos don't usually convey the dark markings becomes simply because
the soil scarcely emits the blue light, and so our sensibility to the surface
goes down as the wave lengths are shortened. In this sense, the contour of the
disc needs not be taken through the blue light if the polar cap is properly
exposed. If over-exposed in blue light to the extent that the disc contour is
forced to show up, then the colour balance will be broken, and the synthesised colour image will not
produce the real colour of the surface.
One may think that since the surface is in high contrast through the red
light in the sense that the dark markings become darker, the colour of the dark
markings are contrary to red and emit the shorter wave lengths. The fact
however does not necessarily prove the colour difference. It is highly possible
that the longer the wave length is, the more apparent the light and shade becomes.
As once proved by DOLLFUS and FOCAS, the reflectivity difference of the bright
area and the dark area increases as the wavelength of the light increases. This
contrarily implies that for a shorter wave length the light and shade become
quite dimmer.
We however don't intend to say that the Martian
surface does never emit the violet-blue light. This is impossible. Any marking
must have a weak "blue ingredient." If we can observe in a full light
scale, the blue censor must also work. For example if we approach near the
surface it will give a more vivid image to us also in blue light. The reason
why at opposition the markings are sometimes appear must thus be just because
the difference between the incident and the reflection angle is so small that
any lights are reflected back in a full scale. This phenomenon is therefore a
kind of opposition effect, and should be common. The dark markings, if appeared
in blue, look sometimes deformed, but this must mainly be caused by a casual
float of a white veil. Hence the blue clearing, if it implies the clearing of
the blue haze, or an existence of a blue-hole, must be a misnomer, and just be
said to show a white veiling. If this is so, any statistic of the blue clearing
is meaningless, because the opposition effect is very common, and the
statistics should be replaced by the survey of the motion of the white veils,
which we tentatively call mists. If a float of a mist exists, then the area
where the mist prevails is shot through the blue light, and the "reddish"
bright area will be enhanced to show its "blue ingredient".
We thus conclude that the blue photos are still
important, but it is not because it shows the blue holes, but it gives us
information of the distribution of the whitish or water haze.
No.128 (
(南 政次・中島 孝、『火星通信』 #128 1993年一月25日号 p1171) 「K稿」 3 から