LtE in CMO #246
@. . . . . . Sorry for the long time between this
letter and the last. My job has kept me busy, and on Friday we will be off to Hawaii for 2
weeks. I hope to get some views of the Red Planet from there since we have had
really bad seeing here, even on nights that look good the seeing is very high
frequency, not good for imaging. Also, had lots of equipment trouble on top of
all of this. I had to give up to get prepared for this trip. Jan and I will be
teaching on the big Island during the day, and we go observing at night until
about 11pm. We observe at a golf
course, so can't stay late.
have been keeping up with the reports in CMO, and the Web page, this is how
I know what is happening with Mars.
Looks like I'll try imaging when we get back just after the 4th of July. If I
get images then I'll send them in.
for continuing to send CMO, I really enjoy reading it.
luck to all with your observing.
2001 email)
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