LtE in CMO #247

From Damian A PEACH

@. . . . . . Well, i finally got around to shooting my first Mars images* this apparition (seeing at the low altitude was finally consistently good enough!) I attach the results. Mars was just 10.5degs above the Horizon when these were obtained - a wonder anything at all is possible.

Best Wishes

   (3 July 2001 email)

(* Editor's Note: See the image in CMO Report #12 for DPc's original RGB.)




D. A. Peach, King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK. 12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT @ f/21.0. ST-5c camera. SBIG RGB Filter set.


Total Exposure Times:


Red Light (+ IR rejection): 42 x 0.35secs

Green Light (+IR rejection): Average of R & B

Blue Light (+IR rejection): 41 x 0.50secs


Seeing generally poor (2-5) at 10.5degs.

Seeing very good (7-9) at 50degs.

Transparency initially fair (3.5mag) decreasing later as high haze, and cumulus moved in. Wind SW (0-5mph.) No dew.


Mars CML: 334.2

Altitude: 10.5degs.

Diam: 20.37"


Comments: Poor seeing at low altitude, and made imaging difficult. Immediately of note is Hellas appears bright in Red, and dusky orange coloured in RGB associated with the current dust storm. No westward movement of the storm seems to have occurred. Edom is faintly visible, and a faint haze over western Chryse is seen, extending toward Meridiani Sinus. Bright hazes over Cydonia, around the NPC.


@ . . . . . . . . .Here is an observation from this evening. I was initially going to attempt more images, but seeing deteriorated. This visual drawing** and notes were made at the beginning of the session. The dust was easily noted around Hellas.

 Best Wishes               

(4 July 2001 email)

(** Editor's Note: See also CMO Report #12 )





D. A. Peach, King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK. 12" (30.5cm) Meade SCT.  Magnifications: 406X. Filters: W#25/Unfiltered.


Seeing initially poor-fair (3-5) at 10degs altitude. Deteriorated later to very poor (0-2.)

Seeing initially excellent (7-9) at 50degs, but deteriorated later to fair (3-6.)

Transparency v. good (4.5mag.) Wind SE (0-5mph.) No dew.


Observation Time: 21:00 - 22:30 UT

Mars CML: 323degs

Ls: 189.2

Diameter: 20.30"

Altitude of Mars: 10 - 10.5degs.


Comments: Initially fair seeing allowed a reasonable view, but this soon deteriorated, with "fast" seeing developing, and increasing. Hellas appeared bright, with a yellowish tint, noticeably different from the ruddy orange desert regions of Moab etc. The eastern part of Syrtis Major was obscured by dust. I suspected the dust extended as far north as Boreosyrtis. Cloud/haze were seen around the NPC area, again toward Cydonia as visible last night. Also faint clouds/haze over Moab.

Damian PEACH (King's Lynn, Norfolk, UK)

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