LtE in CMO #259

From Thomas A DOBBINS


@ . . . . . . . . . . .Dear Masatsugu: Thank you very much for your generous gift of the past issues of the OAA "Communications in Mars Observations." They were a delightful surprise and will provide many hours of enjoyable reading.


 I hope the following anecdote will bring a smile to your face... I recently acquired a copy of the September, 1955 issue of National Geographic magazine, which contains the article "New Light on the Changing Face of Mars" by Earl Slipher. The article recounts the Lowell Observatory expedition sponsored by the National Geographic Society to observe the 1954 apparition from the Lamont-Hussey Observatory at Bloemfontain, South Africa, where the planet was favorably placed near the zenith. During Slipher's four month stay, the observatory hosted a number of "public nights." As they waited their turn at the eyepiece of the 27-inch refractor, visitors were shown a copy of one of Percival Lowell's canal-striped maps of the planet. Slipher recalled: "There was one lady who said that she could easily understand the faint lines on the face of Mars, but she thought it most remarkable that we could read their names."


 It may also be of interest that Percival Lowell's 1908 classic "Mars as the Abode of Life" has recently been re-issued in paperback at the affordable price of $35.00. See:


In addition, E.M. Antoniadi's classic "La Plančte Mars" has been reprinted by a French publisher, as well as a fascinating autobiography by the great Audouin Dollfus. If you are interested in acquiring copies, I will gladly provide details.

Warmest regards,   

           (30 March 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . . . . .Dear Masatsugu: The reprint of Antoniadi's La Plančte Mars can be obtained here:


 The autobiography by Audouin Dollfus (in French) can be obtained at:

My wife is quite expert at finding rare, out-of-print books. If you have any other titles you've been wanting to acquire, please do not hesitate to ask. 

              (31 March 2002 email)




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