From Samuel WHITBY
@. . .
. . . Thank you for your message. It is always good to hear from you. I am aware
that this is your busy time and try not to bother you with politics and such
while Mars is near. After our red planet has receded, please let me know about
the oriental apology that you mentioned.
weather here has been cloudy for most of the last two weeks. One morning last
week was clear enough to see Mars, but the seeing was terrible. There seemed to
be a small NPC and a larger South Polar Hood, with Syrtis Major coming onto the
disc. I did not catch enough details for making a drawing to seem worthwhile.
Every other morning has been completely clouded over.
spring seems to have been a cool one,for we
still have spinach in the garden. Spinach does not like hot days, and it quickly
goes to seed here.
by the middle of April the spinach season is over. This year we have had enough
to please Popeye and make my family tired of it.
images are very impressive. I do not know him but will try to make his
acquaintance, at least in cyber-space. I hope that he continues to send his
images to the CMO, and I plan to encourage him to do so.
(22 May
2001 email)
@. . .
. . . . . . . Thank you for forwarding the attached message. I will try to check
on Myron and see if I can be of assistance. Although he lives only about one
hour's drive from me, we have never met in person, but we have talked on the
phone and exchanged friendly messages. I do consider him a
(24 May
2001 email)