LtE in CMO #281


® . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 21:50:10 -0400

Subject: Jupiter 13 October


Hello everyone...


I have attached images from my first attempt on Jupiter since it emerged from conjunction.  This will mark the beginning of my 14th year of planetary CCD work.


Most of the images are pretty crude, though some details are visible.  The webcam images were taken with the Phillips ToUcam Pro and the 30cm SCT at f28.  Schuler IRX filter was used for the integrated image (captured in monochrome mode) and RGB images, and Schuler IR83 was used for the IR image.  The same IR filter was used with the Pixcel, and the Methane filter is 889nm with 18nm bandpass.  The scope was working at f31 for these images.


The methane image is very poor, but shows some interesting white and dark spots. 


Please forward any questions or comments.




Brian COLVILLE (Ontario, Canada)

Maple Ridge Observatory

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