LtE in CMO #279


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 10 Sept 2003 02:15:28 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 10 - Hellas Obscuration?


Two images of Mars in fair seeing, showing Syrtis Major and Hellas; note that it appears that the impression of a bright Hellas to the NE quadrant may be incorrect; this image suggests that indeed it is possible that we are seeing an obscuration of the SW areas of this large feature; the lack of contrast and duskiness of this area is very evident. Image has minimal post processing for accuracy.


® . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 11 Sept 2003 01:32:27 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 11, 2003


Mars, very unsteady air but some interesting detail visible; note that the previously reported obscuration in southern Hellas appears somewhat cleared on this date; high blue cloud noted in N.E. of Syrtis and another brighter, smaller feature at NW perimeter.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 17 Sept 2003 01:22:05 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 17


Mars, showing some distinct high and extended clouds over the Hellas region (top right in image) on the eastern limb of the planet. These clouds show very well in the blue image inserted. Note also the very bright (particularly in red light) area in Elysium (?), near the bottom, center.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 18 Sept 2003 04:45:21 -0500

Subject: ASO - Mars, Sept. 18


Mars in steady skies, three images total, showing some strong blue clouds on the eastern (fol, right edge) terminator; note the very bright Elysium (bottom, center), particularly in RED light, and some whitish blue clouds located along its northern perimeter.


Interesting variations along the northern rim of the SPC, particularly seen well in red light.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 19 Sept 2003 08:18:12 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 19


Mars, poor seeing, but with some strong blue/white clouds hovering on eastern (right) terminator. Note strong cloud reflections in blue light inset.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 20 Sept 2003 03:52:02 -0500

Subject: Mars - Very bright cloud over Araxes  CSr20Sept03


Mars showing an intense and very blue (see inset Blue image) cloud over the Tharsis region, perhaps associated with the Araxes/Phoenicis Lacus area(s); this seen in both RGB and blue images on the left edge of the planet. Note also the bright whitish south polar haze that was recorded on 9-19-03 that stretches far northward from the small SPC.



® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 23 Sept 2003 11:33:13 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 23


Mars this morning under very unsteady skies with high haze moving in; there is a very bright blue brightening seen on the limb in both RGB and blue images.  The SPC in this longitude is very strong and uniform with little degradation.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 24 Sept 2003 08:06:25 -0500

Subject: ASO Mars, Sept. 24


Another poor night with very unsteady air and overriding cirrus from Trop. Storm Marty....


Some very thin clouds interspersed and a very unusual bright zonal area in the NE, strongly shown in blue light.


Dr Clay SHERROD (Arkansas Sky Observatory, AR, USA)

10 Observatory Hill Drive, Petit Jean

Harvard/MPC H43 (Conway)

Harvard/MPC H41 (Petit Jean Mountain) 

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