From Barbara WILSON
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Tue, 9 Sept 2003 15:32:12 -0500
Subject: Novus Mons
9/7/2003 2:34 am (7:34UT) Mars 24.53 arc
seconds in size at mag -2.75
8 inch f 6 with 2.8 barlow with 5 mm Takahashi
seen this since August 24 1988 with this same telescope.
I understand it has been imaged in
As an aside, I have been looking for the clear
visual separation of the Mountains of Mitchell since longitude 250 (ls) but Sunday morning 9/7/2003 2:34 am (7:34UT it was
clearly separated, with the white island (Novus Mons) totally clear away from
the main cap. I had suspected the
separation the morning before (Sept 6
7:UT) but could not confirm it due to a unsettled atmosphere (cold front) which affected seeing
conditions here in Houston Texas.
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Thu, 11 Sept 2003 07:55:31 -0500
Re: Novus Mons
Dear Masami:
Nikon Coolpix
995 with 8mm eyepiece projection on 8 inch f6.
First image is a stack of three using Registrax
with blue channel pushed. Second image no enhancement or processing or stacking
Third image - only processing was blue channel pushed to bring out clouds
Barbara WILSON (