MARS IMAGES 31 July, 2000
D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. Lynxx PC camera 16-in (41cm) F/6 NEWTONIAN
Eyepiece Projection @ f/36.0
Integration Times:
BLUE (Koheisha, 445nm peak central; BWHM 105nm) 1.60s
GREEN (Koheisha, 540nm peak central; BWHM 75nm) 0.52s
RED (RG610 - No IR Rejection) 0.12s
Images flat and dark corrected.
Seeing fair (5-6, Pickering) Transparency good (5m)
with cloud bands. ENE-ESE wind, 0-6 kts. Altitude = 37 degrees. No dew.
VERY bright dust cloud over eastern Daedalia-Claritas, approx. 10-30 deg S,
124-145 deg W. In addition, anomalous albedo feature (~20-35 deg S, ~ 125-
145 deg W) in western Daedalia. Will this persist like the Dadalia-Claritas
darkening of 1973? This appears to follow the course of Araxes.
Olympus Mons, Arsia, and Ascraeus vivible and very prominent in green light.
Note dark features along western borders of dust cloud -- ?shadows?